Surviving together

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Y/N had been alone since the beginning of the apocalypse. She had lost her family and had been on the road, moving from one place to another, trying to survive. But everything changed when she met Carl Grimes.

They met in a small town where Y/N had stopped to look for supplies. Carl was there with his group, and the moment Y/N laid eyes on him, she knew that he was someone special. They started talking, and that's when Y/N realized that she had finally found someone who understood her.

Carl and Y/N quickly became close, and soon they were inseparable. They would go on supply runs together, share meals, and talk for hours about everything and nothing. Y/N felt like she had finally found her home with Carl and his group.

But their newfound happiness was short-lived. The group was attacked by a horde of walkers, and they were forced to flee. Y/N and Carl got separated from the rest of the group, and they had to fend for themselves.

As they ran through the woods, Y/N felt a hand slip into hers. It was Carl's, and he looked at her with a reassuring smile. Y/N felt her heart race, and she knew in that moment that she was in love with him.

They found a small cabin in the woods, and they decided to stay there until they could regroup with the rest of the group. As they huddled together by the fire, Y/N felt Carl's arm wrap around her, pulling her close.

"I don't know what I would do without you," Carl said, looking into her eyes.

Y/N felt her cheeks flush, and she leaned in to kiss him. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it was enough to ignite a fire inside of her. They spent the night together, holding each other close, and Y/N knew that she had finally found her forever.

From that day forward, Carl and Y/N were a team. They fought side by side, taking on the walkers and the world together. They knew that they could survive anything as long as they had each other.

And as they watched the sunrise together, Y/N knew that she had found her home in Carl's arms. They were survivors, but more importantly, they were together.

Carl Grimes/ Chandler Riggs x reader IMAGINES (no smut)Where stories live. Discover now