TWEEK's secret identity

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Craig and Tweek are stunned when they suddenly realize that the mysterious "TWEEK" on Discord is actually Kenny, one of their close friends. But before they can even begin to process this shocking revelation, Tweek unexpectedly pulls out a knife and stabs "TWEEK" without any hesitation.

Craig is horrified by Tweek's actions, but as he looks at the screen, he realizes that things are not what they seem. Basilsgarden, the other user on the chat, turns out to be Basil from Omori, a video game they both enjoy. And it wasn't Kenny who Tweek stabbed, but rather his own screen.

Tweek becomes extremely embarrassed and apologizes profusely to Craig, realizing now that he had overreacted and let his emotions get the best of him. Craig comforts his friend and tells him that it's okay, but he can't shake off the feeling of unease and confusion that still lingers in the air.

Basil from Omori, seeing the commotion between Craig and Tweek, quickly logs off of Discord and runs away from his computer, hoping to avoid any further trouble. Craig and Tweek both stare at the empty screen, trying to process everything that just happened. They still can't make sense of it all, but they know one thing for sure - their online adventures have taken a dangerous turn, and they need to be careful from now on.

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