Total drama finale with basilsgarden

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As the Total Drama finale approached, the tension between TWEEK and basilsgarden was at an all-time high. Fans of the show were divided, with some cheering for the laid-back, sarcastic TWEEK, while others were rooting for the confident, competitive basilsgarden.

As the final challenges began, the two contestants pushed themselves to their limits, each determined to come out on top. The final obstacle course was an intense test of physical and mental strength, and both TWEEK and basilsgarden struggled but ultimately made it to the end.

The host, Chris McLean, revealed the final twist: instead of declaring a winner outright, the audience would vote for who they wanted to win. Fans at home poured in their votes, with the results neck-and-neck until the very last second.

Finally, the votes were tallied and the winner was announced: TWEEK! The audience erupted in cheers and applause as TWEEK celebrated his unexpected victory.

Basilsgarden took the loss graciously, congratulating TWEEK and thanking the fans for their support. Despite the fierce competition and the shocking twist, the two contestants ended the season as friends, with a newfound respect for each other's strengths and abilities.

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