• Chapter 2 •

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• There stood that man who contained dark secrets, a traumatizing past, a personality that lacked kindness and was constantly filled with manipulation. A boy with a cold heart, not as
pure as a woman's and that boy everyone loved would take a turn to be.. oops almost spilled. •


Last night was all I could remember. The humiliation when I smoked in the bathroom with Richard and day dreamed, me and him doing things. Crazy things, really crazy. Pleasuring things. Sex things. I know how it sounds, but he was really good looking and I had to see him again.

And now that it was all out the way, me and Richard agreed to go to the mall to eat and walk around but I was definitely going to be doing some shopping. At approximately 7pm I had to be out the door but that's in 30 minutes and yet I wasn't even half ready.

I rushed and rushed, washing my hair and putting on my makeup, looking for a cute dress. Maybe I was over doing it but if I was going out with a boy I haddd to look good.

Fast forward 7:04pm

"Lu?" Danny suddenly walks into my room as I look into the mirror for the 100th time telling myself I look good over and over, making me quickly turn to him.

"Sis chill. You look good for a date with a guy."

His sentence catches me off guard and I turn to him, my arms folded.
"We're not.. going on a date Dan."

"If you say so, I'm letting Richard pass on this. Hurry he's outside waiting for you."

I grab my bag and head downstairs to the front door and leave straight out not that I got any goodbyes although I did get some good smirks and suspicious looks in my siblings eyes. As I make my way to Richard car my heart begins to beat fast and I couldn't keep my smile in for shit.
I open the door and allow myself onto the passenger seat.

I turn his way and he's smirking shaking his head. "Hey Luna."

"Hii Richard." I say as I never knew I was blushing really hard. He seen it all and he starts chuckling.

"Why so nervous and smiley?"

Are you serious? It's you.

"What I'm not I'm just you know excited to go shopping."

He looks away and presses down onto the gas.
"Mhm, if you say so."

Along the way the car ride was a bit silenced I could definitely sense something we had in common with our issues with being social but it was understandable. There was only low music playing but apart from that the wind blew throughout the car from the opened windows.

At least we had asked each other two of three questions through the whole 20 minute ride, it wasn't that bad right? God I'm just so nervous.

Once we did arrive Richard had parked and we exited the car now entering the mall. The food court was to the right side of the mall and there we headed.

"You've been here before?" I asked.

He nodded and added on "nah you?"

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