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Thank you for reading this <3

So you are 10 at the beginning but soon you are 12 years old, you life in queens and you're at midtown midtown Highschool in 9th grade( you skipped 2nd and 5th grade don't ask why). You have powers since you can remember but yet have no idea how you got them. Your powers are telekinesis, really good senses, you can be invisible for a maximum of 10 minutes, control of darkness.  You build yourself a suit and because you can't sleep your on the roof of a building every night at the beginning you were just jumping from building to building but when you met spider man you stayed on the same rooftop every night.

You have been diagnosed with anxiety, ocd and insomnia.

You have a brother he is 21, his name is Erik and your parents are y/m/n:48 and y/d/n:51

You are usually really good at school but because of your mental health your grades are dropping and your dad isn't really happy about that.

You have a good relationship with your mum you really really love her and also with your brother even if it's only your half brother. Your father and you don't have a really good relationship but it's not so bad it's more like you don't really see him because of his work. He works from home and still he doesn't have time for you it doesn't really bother you but sometimes you wish he would have more time for you and every time a friend comes over, (what doesn't happens often) he is acting like the best father alive.

Your friends are Peter Parker (Spider Man) Michelle jones-Watson (mj) and Ned leed. At your first class on your first day you met mj, in the first break she introduced you to her friends Ned and Peter, you became good friends really quickly. Peter doesn't know that you know he's spider man well you don't completely know it but you are pretty sure for the reason that Peter is acting like Spider man is talking like spider man and just everything is the same (or is spider man acting like Peter? Idk)

Oh and you are everything but straight<3
(366 words)

This isn't really a chapter but whatever.

Take care of you and try to eat and drink something I believe in you<3

-Fruit or vegetables?

And I'm also going to write this at night and I'm even more stupid at night than at day so there will be mistakes.

This isn't really a chapter but whatever.

Take care of you and try to eat and drink something I believe in you<3

-Fruit or vegetables?

And I'm also going to write this at night and I'm even more stupid at night than at day so there will be mistakes.

(With all the thing over and under the ——— 484


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