Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov:

April 2021 8:00 p.m.

With my mind full of all the exhausting things that happened today I fell in my bed. I closed my y/e/c ( your eye colour)eyes for a few seconds to hold my tears in. Today was easter

*Flashback of today*
I was so excited for today just for my parents to forget, but then later at 2:00 p.m. my brother came over to Celebrate easter with us and finally, they remembered my mum and I then started to cook and bake a great Easter dinner, usually we would have a big Easter breakfast and would only make the dishes and put everything away in the evening but because they forgot it's different.

My dad asked me to put a beer for him on the table of course I did that because I didn't want him to get mad. We sat down at the table at first everything was great, my dad asked me to get two more beer, again I got him his beer. After that he got a little drunk, not bad Just a little. So everything was still fine til I didn't noticed that my glass of water was by my arm and so I wanted to get a egg when i accidentally knocked over the glass, it fell on the floor and broke, it was silent for a couple of seconds before my dad started shouting at me
He yelled: „ why can't you do anything right, what is wrong with you that it's your fault that our whole dinner is ruined now" my mom stood up and said as calmly as she could „y/d/n it's not so bad I'll just clean it up" while she signed me with her hand movement that I should go to my room.
*end of flashback*
So that's why I still could hear my parents argue.
After  I've thought it all over again I started crying, I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.
Suddenly I heard two loud bangs *💥💥* after that, quiet, nothin, not a single sound, I was so shocked, I stopped crying again. After a couple of seconds I went downstairs just to see my dad on phone calling someone with a gun in his other hand and my dead brother and my dead mother on the kitchen floor I put my hands over my mouth, I got teary eyes again, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out just a little gasp sound. My dad spun around and looked at me and.... Smiled? But before I could think about it I could feel a sharp pain in my neck...


Please let me know what you think.

-Purse or backpack?

~Have a nice day/night<3~


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