Chapter 1: Shit's About To Go Down!

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It was the most normal night ever and Ivy was doing her homework when they opened a random news site by accident. The 1st thing she saw was this article about some kind of eating contest where the winner ate 20 hotdogs in 12 minutes. As Ivy was scrolling through the site more and more she came across a message to the people of her town, it read as the following: "People of the north side of Rose Hills, listen up: The son of the mayor is missing, we have been able to find his arm but nothing else of his body. We think he got murdered by somebody. We already have a few suspects, we are not gonna say any names. If you see anything; notify us immediately. A message by: The police of Rose Hills." Ivy looked at the little text with disgust, how can his damn arm be ripped off! The murderer must have really screwed up on his job of hiding the body. She thought about her adventure from 2 years ago:

Ivy was just 13 when they lost control of their powers, a big plant came out of the floor and strangled someone to death! It was really traumatising for little Ivy at the time, so much even, that she had to go to therapy for it. As they remembered it they started crying because that somebody was... THEIR OWN MOTHER, their mother also was their only parent. Now Ivy lives alone. It's quite sad to think about it. 15 and already living alone! It's a wonderful world... isn't it?

At the moment that Ivy was literally crying in her room she heard a loud bang, who or what could it be. As they walked downstairs they heard policemen talking: 'you search the attic, you search the basement, you go upstairs, i will stay here!' Shit, thought Ivy, I think that by suspects they meant me! As she tried to run away one of the policemen grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the police car that was parked in the driveway, pushed her on the backseat, injected some "sleep juice" in her arm and drove off...

A few minutes later Ivy woke up, did a good stretch and looked out the window of the police car. When she saw that she was in the middle of nowhere, they started panicking, in a panic she asked: "officer, Where are we?" When they didn't get a response they tried again: "OFFICER, WHERE ARE WE?!" Still no response. Ivy unbuckled her belt, stood up and looked through the bars that were between the front and back seats and saw that... THE OFFICER HAD FAINTED!

In even more of a panic Ivy reached in her bag (they grabbed that when they were about to be arrested), got out her pocket knife and started cutting the bars. After a while they had a hole that they should fit thru, Ivy got to the driver's seat, stopped the car and stepped out.

When Ivy got to the front of the car to look inside and she saw a weird rainbow-like fluid in the motor, "That's odd!" Ivy said out loud, "Oil is black, so it can't be that... then what is it?"

Ivy took a piece of paper out their handbag, took some of the goo and looked at it with a face of curiosity. She kneeled down in the grass and took a very close look... after a bit they saw that it was water mixed with an overdose of a medicine called "hydrochlorothiazide", she knew it because she used to help with airport security. A lot of things were going through Ivy's head: Who did it? Why did they do it? Was this goo the thing that made the officer faint? Ivy did not know the answer to all of these questions, but they did know one thing... and it was a name: Apex.

Apex and Ivy were in the same class, They both had powers: Ivy had (and still has) nature powers, aka the powers of creation, Apex had the powers of science, aka the powers of destruction. Ivy and Apex used to date when they were in middle school, their first kiss ruined the relationship: Apex and Ivy were sitting next to each other in music class when Apex decided to grab Ivy and kiss them... there was a big explosion of vines and poison, and as you could have guessed creation and destruction can't really go together. So at the end of middle school Ivy and Apex did not see eachother anymore, Apex went the "evil path" and Ivy went the "good path".

As Ivy got her phone to call Apex the officer woke up. SHIT, they thought. As they quickly grew a semi-poisonous plant to make him black out again Ivy felt a tap on her shoulder... It was Apex! He had been tracking Ivy and when he noticed that she was out of town he went after her. "Hey." Apex said, "Is something wrong? I see you were trying to call me." Ivy jumped back in fright, "Apex! What is this goo, you are the only one I know that uses this as a weapon to make people pass out!" she said. Apex laughed, walked to the police officer, got his gun out of his pocket and shot him. "Apex!" Ivy said in a shocked tone, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!?" Apex smiled: "he tried to put you in prison (the officer probably didn't. Normal policemen don't use "sleep juice"), so I had to protect you. That is what friends do!" Apex cleaned out the goo from the motor, put Ivy into the car, and drove off.

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