Bonus chapter: Ivy's Trauma

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It was 4.55 AM when Ivy woke up, she got out of bed, brushed her teeth and just sat there. They were scared, scared that they would go back to the one day. In that alley, Behind the school. Or just that something was gonna happen again. Oh no, they thought, the flashbacks are coming back.


It was the year 2015, July 5th to be exact, Ivy remembered it like it was yesterday. That day was the day that the little spark inside her went out. After school, Ivy walked home, she decided to take a different route home, through that alley... There he was, probably drugged out of his mind. Ivy didn't know him. As soon as he saw her he walked up to her, and did stuff with her 7 year old body. Stuff that is so disgusting no words are able to describe it. In pain Ivy sat there, on a bench, in that alley. After 15 minutes Ivy got the power to walk home. From that day their mental health only worsened...

End of flashback.

Ivy started crying. She didn't want to be here, not in the hotel, not even on earth. She had tried to end it all before: The pills didn't work, Ivy passed out before she had taken a dose that was big enough. The building wasn't high enough, they had only broken a few limbs and dislocated a rib. What about a bridge? There weren't any high bridges in Rose Hills, that would not work. A gun then? Firearms were forbidden in the city. Ivy was out of options. She looked at her thighs and wrists, there were white and red lines all over them. Ivy was drained. She didn't deserve to be alive.

A few moments later Elly woke up, and as soon as she saw her girlfriend crying she asked: "hun, are you okay? If there is anything you can tell me. You know that right?" Ivy nodded, once again non verbal they grabbed a notepad and wrote down what was going on. Elly hugged Ivy and whispered in her ear: "It will be okay, I'm here. We are gonna go to that orb waterfall thingy, and we're going to stop Apex. I'll protect you no matter what." 

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