Chapter 4: Welcome To Orbish!

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"Hey, uhm, Ivy..." Elly said while sitting down on her bed, "You know Apex is gonna definitely see that you're gone and he is not going to be happy about it." Ivy sighed: "Look, I know what that man can do and you know he has anger problems. I'm just scared of what's gonna happen to our city... Rose Hills is the place I was born and I don't want to lose it all." she stood up and looked out the window... After a few seconds the ground shook and there was a big explosion in the distance. Elly turned on the tv to see what was happening, switched to the news channel and listened. The news lady said the following: "The north-west side of the city was just hit by an unidentifiable object. A man who goes by the name of 'Science Guy Ap-Ex' and he is claiming that he needs his 'perfect vessel' back. That is unfortunately all the information we have. If you live close to the place of attack we recommend you stay inside or go to a safe place. This was your news reporter Mayumi. Stay safe everyone." Ivy looked like they had seen a ghost, Elly asked: "babe, you good? I think it's a good idea if we go away from here... you know... for safety." Ivy nodded. She grabbed Elly's arm and walked out of the room, then out of the house. Elly got in the car and drove off. Where? She didn't know. All she knew was that she needed to get her girlfriend out of here.

A few minutes later Elly stopped the car. "Hun, Im quickly gonna take a little walk. My legs hurt." she said, Ivy didn't answer, "Is there a reason you went non-verbal, is it about Apex?" Ivy nodded, stepped out of the car and sat down on a tree trunk. "We're in the mountains right now, have you noticed that? I think it's beautiful here." Ivy nodded once again, now able to speak again they said: "Where are we going?" Elly looked at her girlfriend with a smile, "There is this village on the top of the mountain, I think it's called Orbish, someone my grandmother used to know lives there. She is able to help us with Apex... I think." After a little while the couple got in the car again and travelled further into the mountains.

"Babe, we're here. Welcome to Orbish!" Elly said. Ivy just looked confused, all there was was a big platform on the floor: it had some kind of symbol on it. Ivy could not see it all that well, the platform looked really old. Elly saw how Ivy looked at the platform, "Hey, I get why you're confused but just wait." She said, "the people from the underground called me, Orbish open your doors!" immediately after she said that the platform slid aside to reveal some very large spiral stairs going down. As the couple walked towards the stairs, an old lady walked towards them,

"Hello dear Elly, long time no see, who is your new friend?? By the way, my name is Aghura. And are you two dating?? I overheard some conversations while I was walking my little dog demon, taco." Ivy looked at the lady with a face of confusion. "Okay so. This is that friend I was talking about... you know... The one who my grandma used to know." Elly awkwardly said. Aghura nodded and walked with the couple to the underground city.

"Well... This is it. I welcome you to Orbish!" Aghura said, "Everyone in the village is gonna have dinner tonight, all together. I insist you two join!" The duo looked at the beautiful village, it was right inside of a big cave and the staircase the couple walked down from a few moments ago was perfectly in the middle. Ivy had sparkles in her eyes, even though she didn't exactly know why, she felt like there was something that made her feel extra powerful. "Aghura," Elly said, "We would love to join the village for dinner tonight. Under one circumstance tho; Tell us how we can stop Apex." Aghura stared right ahead of her, "Of course dear Elly, I will tell you all about it!" She said in a cracking voice.

Later that afternoon Elly and Ivy sat down with all the people that lived in the village. At the time the duo had already checked in at a hotel. As soon as Aghura saw the couple she said: "Welcome dear people of Orbish, we are here today to celebrate the day that The Orb chose the first two chosen ones. On the 19th of May of the year 100 AD. But today is different from all the other days... Because tonight we have one of the chosen ones in our midst. Ivy Ashley Ashton! The one with the power to create!" Ivy's face was as red As a tomato, everyone was looking at them. She was quite weirded out how Aghura got her full name tho... Meh, Elly must have told her.

After the dinner was over and almost everyone had returned home Aghura walked towards the couple and said: "Well, you have the info about the orb. If you have the right intentions it will give you all the powers it has collected over the years. But you have to be quick, if Apex finds it before you he'll be unstoppable! We can't have that. You can stay here for the night, then get your car and go to the waterfall of the orb. Good night and good luck." 

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