chapter 3: Bye Bye Apex

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Ivy woke up the next morning feeling rather refreshed. As she brushed her teeth she noticed that she was feeling different... like: she was her old self again. "OH MY GOD!" Ivy screamed, "I can speak, am I myself again!!?" Apex was nowhere to be seen so Ivy decided to search the hut to see what tools and/or food they could find.

After an hour of searching Ivy found a hammer in the plant pot of the plant next to the bed. "Aha, this could work." they said, "To smash the window of course." Ivy decided to not immediately escape, she decided to wait about an hour just so that she could see if Apex actually cared about her (he probably didn't. Once an asshole; always an asshole). A little bit of time later Ivy was tired of the hut: the sofa was really bad quality, the so-called "food" tasted and looked like it had been there for a century and the bed was like you were sleeping on bricks, Apex had not returned either (it looked like he didn't care about his "perfect" little Ivy as much a he thought). So yeah, Ivy was pretty done with the place.

Ivy grabbed the hammer and stepped on the bed to get to the window above. "Okay..." they softly mumbled to themselves, "let's do this, lets escape this hell of a hut." Ivy counted in their head: one... two... THREE! Ivy hit the corner of the window with her hammer so hard that glass was everywhere: on the bed, on the floor outside and on the floor inside. After that there was a loud scream coming from the forest: "Ivy!!! IVY!! Where are you, I'm worried!" Ivy was quite confused but after a bit of time they realized that it was their girlfriend: Elly.

Ivy and Elly met one day when Ivy was walking in the park close to her house and also close to Elly house. Ivy was trying to grow some flowers to make sure the bees had something to pollinate when Elly walked up to her and said: "hey, i'm sorry but how are you doing that. It's really cool!" Ivy was really shy at first but after a bit Ivy and Elly got closer and closer until Ivy dropped the question: "hey, uhm Elly. I think I really like you, not as a friend though." And Elly of course said yes.

"Elly! Where are you! I'm at some kind of wooden hut!" Ivy said. She jumped out of the window and landed on her arm. After she fell she stood up and started running, running away from the hut, running away from Apex.

After a long time of running Ivy ran into someone: It was Elly! "ELLY! Hi! I am so happy to see you!" Ivy said, "It was Apex, he kidnapped me. He is a sick man!" Elly didn't look too shocked: "Yeah, that isn't so surprising, considering that he always had anger outbursts when he was younger. He is a psycho!" Ivy was really happy that They were together with Elly again, it was the only thing that she needed at that moment.

"Ivy," Elly said, "maybe it's an idea to go to my house, it's gonna be raining soon." Ivy nodded. As the duo walked to a parking lot where Elly parked her scooter, she received a message... It was from Apex! It read as the following: 'Hey sis, am i allowed to come over to your house this afternoon. We haven't spoken for a long time.' Elly looked annoyed: "This asshole, he ran off 3 years ago and took all of my parents' money and now he's trying to come back!" Because Ivy was already sitting on Elly's scooter; Elly just ignored the message, sat down on the scooter and drove off.

About half an hour later Ivy and Elly drove into Elly's driveway. Ivy looked at the big house that she saw. "Wow!" they said, "I didn't know you lived here, you never told me this!" Elly looked at her phone and said: "Look, I was scared that because my house is just outside the forest your powers would lose control, just like... with your mother." Ivy stared at the floor, salty tears running down her face, "Lets just go inside, I think that's better for the both of us."

As the duo walked inside Ivy spotted Elly's cat, "I didn't know you had a cat!" Ivy said, "He is such a cutie!!" Then Ivy proceeded to explore the house and with every thing they saw they thought it was either cute or really smexy. Elly looked at her girlfriend and said: "Ivy, how about we go upstairs and chill out in my room?" Ivy nodded, stars in her eyes because everything was just too cute and amazing! 

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