Chapter 9

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"I-I'm sorry Niall! Ne- no-" I ran from the room.

I came to a room with a lot of couches and I sat down in one. I was such a loser.

"You're not a loser, if that's what you're thinking," commented Zayn, scaring me out of my stupor.

"Yes, I am. I just kissed an international pop star who obviously doesn't like me like that, I broke a chair that I don't own, and they're going to make me pay for it, but I don't have any money, so they're going to sue me and I don't have any money tfor a lawyer so I'll loose, and then I won't be able to pay, and then I'll go to jail and then I'll die in jail and-" Zayn cut me off by slapping me.

"Hey..." I said, rubbing my cheek.

"Sorry. But you're getting too worked up. No one is going to sue you for breaking a chair. And if they did, they wouldn't win, because that would be the stupidest reason to sue someone, ever. Why don't you have any money?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," I pouted.

"Okay." He hugged me. "They boys and I have a question for you. Will you come back to The Room so we can ask you?"

"Did you just say The Room? Like, capital t, capital r?"

"Yeah. Got a problem?" His Bradford accent stuck out.

I laughed. "Nope. Just checking."

"Ok. Will you come?"

I groaned. "But Niall is going to be there. And... Well..."

"So you're not going to come?"

I wrinkled my nose. "Probably not."

He shrugged, and scooped me up, causing me to scream and flail around wildly.


He just grinned evilly and kept walking.

We arrived at the room, and Zayn dropped me. I screamed, falling in my butt.

Niall rushed out. "Hey! What happened?"

I pouted up at him. "Zayn dropped me..." I whined.

"Too bad. Get over it," Niall laughed.

I pouted some more, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

He sighed. "Fine..." And scooped me up, taking me inside The Room.

When we got in The Room, Louis stared at us and looked as if he were about to make some cheeky comment about us, but then Liam whacked his head, and he shut up.

"Ok," Harry's raspy voice interrupted my thoughts. "So we were wondering if-"

"Will you come on tour with us Bex? Pleasepleaseplease?" Niall pleaded.

Harry smacked him upside the head. "I wanted to ask her!"

Niall laughed at him.

What the hell were butterflies in my stomach for?

I thought about it for a minute. Tour with One Direction, or stay here and live with Fiona. Hmmm...

"Of course I will!"

"Yay! Now Niall won't be alone!" Shouted Louis.

He had an incredible way for making things incredibly awkward incredibly fast.

"Niall I am so, so, so sorry, I didn't mean it. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I was tired, and sad, and confused, and oh, Nialler I'm so, so sorry," I told the leprechaun.

~Niall's POV~

She was sorry.

She didn't mean it.

She didn't want to ruin our friendship.

She didn't like me like that

She never would.

I smiled, trying to disguise my sadness.

____________________________________________________ Author's Note

Does this count as a cliffhanger? I don't think it does...

Anywho, cue the 'awwws' for our poor Nialler.

Who wants to hear my story? All of you? Yay!

Ok, so yesterday, after I finished the previous chapter, I had to go somewhere, but I REALLY REALLY wanted to keep writing. But then when I came back I had to go to riding. So I still couldn't write. When I came back from riding I was really tired so I waited until after dinner, but my brother and I were home alone, and we were watching How I Met Your Mother (great show BTW). So I was writing and watching TV. After I finished the chapter, I was trying to post it, but the wifi wasn't working for whatever reason, so I couldn't. So then I was like oh, I'll wait till morning. But then, this morning, Dip Dyed had updated so of course I needed to read that. And then I realized that With Your Love had updated too, so I read that too. And then I was ready to update. So I went over to my works, and this chapter had been deleted. So I had to re-write it. Which is probably good, because the last chapter sucked. But I was kinda mad that I had to re-write the whole thing. Anyway.

What did you guys think? Tour? Nebecca?

Bye! See you next update!

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