Chapter 12

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The credits were running for the 8th Harry Potter movie. Niall and i were cuddlingon the couch, his chin resting on my shoulder, and my ear on top of his head. His arms were wrappede around me, and I let out a content sigh. 

I wasn't going to let myself think about my little school girl crush. I was happy right here, right now. 

I heard a little Irish snore from under my ear. Niall had fallen asleep.

Harry laughed at us when the lights came on. "You better wake him up now," he told me. "or you're going to be stuck like that froever. And Niall drools."

I sighed, knowing he was probably right. "Niall," I whispered. "Movie's over."

He didn't respond. I flicked his ear.

"Wha-corndogs?" said Niall sleepily. (A/N:KELLY SEE I TOLD YOU I WOULD)

Liam and Zayn laughed at him. Harry and Louis had gone off who-knows-where.

"The movie's over sleepy head! Time to go read a book!" I told him.

They all stared at me.

"Niall?" asked Zayn.

"Read a book?" continued Liam. They both laughed

"Becca... I'm hungery... Can we get some Nando's?" Niall whined in my ear.

"Niall, sweetie, we're still on a bus. Where are they going to deliver it to?" I reminded him.

He pouted. "But I want Nando's!"

I swear, he was like a little kid sometimes.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Go make yourself a sandwich." I poked his bony shoulder.

How come he eats so much and is still so skinny? NOT FAIR! (A/N:Can someone please explain this to me? I would like to try it)

He groaned. "You make me a sandwich!" He commanded.

"No! I made you pancakes!" I shouted at him.

He scowled at me and got up. I looked at Liam and Zayn, who were looking through th rest of the movies we had on the bus. Just then, a scream came from the kitchen. 

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note

haha guys. i felt like a cliffhanger just because I haven't had one for a while.


ok well. You guys are lucky I even updated because I got home after 6, so I couldn't update from my iPod, so I had to update from the computer, which I hate, because it doesn't show up on my iPod and it just screws with my head.

Anywho. Apologies for the clffhanger. But not really. xD

Also. You guys. This Sunday I got 20 reads in one day. it was amaZAYN. phenomiNIALL, brilLIAM, extraordinHARRY, and fabuLOUIS. I LOVE ALL OF MY READERSx102457934756293412348793. k bye.  

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