Chapter 61

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I clasped Rebecca's hand in mine and just let the tears fall out of my eyes. "I really don't know what to do without you, Bex. You're my princess, and I waited forever for you. I can't wait for another one, you're mine only one. Remember me? Your prince? Niall? C'mon. You gotta wake up for me," I said, my voice shaking with tears. 

"She's not awake, Niall, she can't hear you," Fiona's voice carried strong and sharp from the doorway. "You can't stay here forever. Let's go home."

"Fiona, I'm not leaving Rebecca."

"Yes, you are. Let's go."

"No, Fiona, I'm so staying!" I shouted when Fiona grabbed my arm. 

"Niall, LET"S GO!"

"Get off me! She's gonna wake up!"

"You don't know that, Niall! It was an experimental cure, and sitting around crying yourself to sleep won't wake her up!"

I let myself fall, not expecting Fiona to hold me up. I knew that there was a chance she wouldn't wake up, but I had to keep believing. I had too.

But I couldn't. Not when someone just told me she wasn't.

All of a sudden I was curled up on the floor, sobbing, knowing that maybe I would never hear Rebecca explaining Doctor Who to me again, never cuddle with her on the couch again, never surprise her with a cheesy date again.

"Niall, she'll be okay. She will. She's gotta be," Fiona told me, her voice cracking at the end.

I got up and walked back over to Rebecca's bed, grabbing her hand again. "It's gonna be okay," I whispered, no longer sure if I were reassuring Rebecca or myself.


And here is the second to last chapter of Bucket List.

I'm really going to miss this story.

It's been good, guys. But I'll save you my emotional shit for the long ass author's note at the end of the next chapter.

Anywho. I apologize for any errors. You've probably noticed, but I don't proofread. I'll start editing soon.

Also, this chapter is really short and kinda crappy, but you know. The next chapter will be really long. I promise.

That should be up before next weekend, but I really want it to be good, so I'll see you guys then. 

Adios, burritos!

(Picture of Niall crying on the side because it fits. It's from the X Factor, for those who don't know.)

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