Chapter 51

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~Harry's POV~

I felt a warm pair of lips crash into mine. The irrational part of me wanted it to be Fiona, but I knew that was impossible, so I reached up to the shoulders of  whoever it was and shoved them off of me.

"Louis?" I practically shouted, staring at the brown haired boy standing across the room from me, looking terrified himself.

"Harry-I-" he stuttered.

"You're not- please don't- I have to-" I rushed out of the room, terrified.

~Louis' POV~

Harry shoved me across the room and shouted my name at me. 

"Harry- I-" I didn't know what to say.

"You're not- please don't- I have to-" he rushed out of the looking, looking terrified.

I was such an idiot. I don't even know why I did that. I loved El. The only reason I did that was missed Eleanor.

But you broke up with El to see if you had feelings for Harry, that annoying voice in my head told me.

"Aarrgh," I cried, sitting on my head and running my hands through my hair.

"Louis?" I looked up to find Zayn standing at the door.

"Uh, hey Zayn," I said nervously.

"What's wrong?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

"Nothing," I lied.

I'd been lying a lot lately.

"You know, Louis, you're a terrible liar," he smirked at me. "If you need time off, just tell management you need a break and they're sure to let you disappear for a while."

We looked at each other and cracked up.

"Management... let me... break.... hahahhahahha," I choked out, laughing.

After we collected ourselves, Zayn looked at me. "Seriously. It always works for me."

I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, because they feel guilty for making you face your fear of water and heights."

He shrugged. "Worth a shot."

"Yeah, I don't think management is going to let me do anything anytime soon."

"Why? Because of that thing that happened with Haz at the interview. Don't worry about it. They'll let that go."

"Aah, yeah, tha,t but also... I sort of... kissed him.." I began whispering at the end.


"I'm sorry... he just looked so.. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I just... miss Eleanor or something," I lied again, looking away.

"I'm sorry, Louis, but you really are a terrible liar. How long have you.. uh.. been having.. feelings for Harry?"

"I guess.. since... I guess when Niall got hit by that car... I think it started when that Jaymy girl kissed me and all I could think about was how maybe a lot of girls would do that and maybe guys were just simpler but I don't really think I'm gay but I just overreacted when Jaymy kissed me and I broke up with El and then Harry was there and I yelled at him and I missed Harry more than I missed Eleanor and I just thought and I'm too scared too- what are you doing?" I stopped when I saw Zayn with my phone to his ear.

"Calling Eleanor," he mouthed.


"Hi, Eleanor? It's Zayn," I heard him say.

He pulled the phone away from his ear and hit the speaker button. He covered my mouth with his hand. 

"Oh, hi, Zayn, I thought you were Louis," I heard Eleanor's familiar voice coming through the phone. She sounded sad.

"What's up?" 

"Ah, I haven't been up to much recently. How's Perrie?" she asked politely. 

He smiled to himself. "She's wonderful, thanks. I'm really sorry about Louis, though. He's being a dick."

I bit his hand.

"Ow! What the-" he bit his lip to keep himself from saying anything else. "Sorry," he mouthed to me.

I heard Eleanor's laugh. "Don't be to rough on him. He must have had a good reason," she sighed. "I miss him."

"I know. I would miss him tooid he weren't sitting here BITING MY HAND! Get off, Louis," he said, shaking me off him.

"Louis? You're- I uh- I gotta-"

"Eleanor! Please don't hang up!" I quickly shouted.

I could picture her pausing before hitting the end button.

"Louis? Why did you break up with me?" she asked me, her voice trembling.

"I.. Well.." I looked at Zayn. He nodded. "Well, when we were at the hospital with Niall, I kind of was talking to the girl who hit him, and she kind of kissed me, and I didn't kiss her back," I paused to collect my thoughts. "And all I could think about was Harry, so I didn't know if I was gay or bi or what, but I didn't want you to be that girl who's boyfriend told her he was gay after she propsed or something, so I just-"


"Oh, I was just trying to think of something to say, and I thought saying got pregant would be awkward, and I can't say have sex for the first time, because, you know, we already-" Zayn stopped me by covering your mouth.

"Lou, I'm all for you guys to get back togther, but I really don't need to hear about your sex life. Thank you."

I laughed. "Sorry, Zayn. Anyway, El, I was going to say-"


"Yeah, that's what I said..."

"Do you want to get married, Louis?"



That's for my Elounor shippers. This is big, okay. I didn't plan this and I don't know where it's going to go from here so sorry if it's awhile unitl the next update.

Uhm so I thought I was over my crush but I'm not because he decided it would be fun to swish next to me in Math which was fun because he has a girlfriend and you know. That's weird. But I don't think he likes me because he's so happy when he talks to her, and shit like that.

My brother is sitting like a foot away from me and he's playing video games with his friends and they're being really loud and annoying like I literally don't care about this.

Last story I swear. So my dad was talking to me about my birthday party, and my birthday party was like 2 months ago so i think it's too late and i said I didn't really want one, so my dad is like why? And I told him that it's a bit late, it might just seem like I just want present, so he just asked me if I wanted a party where there's a birthday cake and he just blew it out of proprtion I mean I really don't care. 

Sometimes my parents just annoy me. 

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. Haha I was reading An Endless Seranade by XxsomethingsomethinblablahxX I can't remember goota go before I get screamed at bye. 

Help I'm scared of people yelling atme byyyeee

(Adorable pic of Elounoron side ILY EL)

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