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As the atmosphere in the East was changing, it's side effects were being felt in the West. Arkell Reids's Sacred Province, also known as the White Province due to its prosperity and the good hearts of townfolks and royalty, was turning into a Black Province. This was partly due to the clouds that were making their way towards the West and partly due to the shifting alliances, scheming against the Arkell Reids. High Priest Karrez had watched Arkell grow up, yet he was a puppet in the hands of his best Mage, Carlos. What led to Carlos' covert displeasure towards His Highness was a mystery, so was the fact that Priest Karrez was under Carlos' control. No one knew that the words behind Priest Karrez's actions were of Carlos.

Arkell Reids

There was still not even a ray of light visible. My knights and I had been meticulously patrolling near the walls to ensure no monster escaped towards the West.

By now even the West must've been engulfed by these clouds.

"Sir Berka," I motioned for the military commander to come to me while the other knights stood on guard.

"Yes, Your Highness." He stood attentively, despite the exhaustion and insufficient nutrition we had to put up to. He had performed the most tasks, from taking care of the horses to re-checking the seals of hazardous ammunition placed in the cave.

The most I could do was offer him a seat beside me on the bark of a fallen tree, resulted by the storm at night. But he refused in order to honor me.

"About the human element, I believe he has the powers to survive. After all, he somehow strengthens the devil." I explained as I stood up, finding it strange to sit alone while the commander stood," We need not worry about his safety, rather, we must devise an ambush."

"But Sire, would that not require us to enter the Shattered Vales?"

"I am aware."

"I have always been loyal to the crown and shall continue to do so. Let me accompany you." Sir Berka attempted to reassure me, for he knew only a few knights would agree to enter the Devil's territory. They had a family to return to, but for Sir Berka, I was his only family, his sister's son.

I shook my head,"Consider this, the human strengthens the Devil, which ultimately means that they have something in common. Something that would make them more powerful upon their union however it may happen."

Sir Berka gave it a thought and was quick to grasp what I had meant. He looked at me and snapped," Their powers?"

"For now, yes. His power is his only asset. Suppose, the human shares the same powers, wouldn't he also be a target of the monsters like the Devil himself?" The monsters existed in Shattered Vales for a reason. They were infused with hunger for blood and black magic, so that they would eat the young boy alive because black magic flows through his veins. But the tables turned and the boy gained control over the monsters. However, there were some deviants who were still hungry for the Devil's black energy, which was possibly something the human too had in himself.

If the human was a part of the Devil, he would definitely be a target of deviants. And with blood flowing through that human's veins was all the more suitable for becoming the monsters' delicacy.

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