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Arkell Reids

I got to my feet to have a better look at the Mage, but it was of no use since he was so high up. The dark aura from his magic raised various questions in my head.

There was no one who had been able to use black magic, except for the Devil...Zeronis Deamonne. I flinched at my own thought.

Zeronis Deamonne. It can't be him.

The Mage was in great pain. We could hear his screams as he tried to bring the beast under control.

The Devil would not save us. Who is he then?

"Your Highness! That is-" Sir Berka wanted to ask the same question that was repeating in my head. Who was he?

"No, Sir Birka. He is but a Mage. That, I'm sure of."

"This will cause great commotion in the Kingdom."

"Ask the knights to never speak of this incident. Have them swear on their knighthood, if necessary."

Soon, the beast calmed down and yet the Mage continued to attempt to control it.

He will get exhausted and collapse at this rate.

But the Mage stepped down on the wall, right beside the beast's mouth. The knights panicked but I was more worried about the Mage's identity being revealed.

If the Temple finds out about this, it will lead to the creation of another Zeronis Deamonne.

"It's the devil, isn't it?" Sir Brian shouted.

If I tell them it is not the devil, they would want to know who it actually is.

"Look! He's inducing the beast with some kind of manipulation!" Another knight I wasn't very familiar with spoke.

"Attention! Listen to me very carefully..." Sir Berka began instructing the Knights while I stepped away to see what the Mage was trying to do.

Even if I shouted, he would not have heard me. His hood was hiding his face perfectly, but there was something that remained unhidden from my eyes.

'Keep this with you.' I had given Zeth my mana ring which worked as a shield against any sort of danger. It was a blue-stone.

'I do not need it.' He wrote.

'I will meet you with the excuse of retrieving it.'

Even now, the blue-stone was shining brightly among the dark aura around the Mage.

Next, he disappeared, almost as if he had sensed that he had been identified.

It would have been better if I told him I would keep it a secret. He would worry for no-

"Am I seeing that right?"
"Are those-"
"This is unbelievable!"
"Your Highness, are you looking?"
"Moments ago it was about to eat us!"
"That Mage surely did something."

The knights began their commotion while I stood there alone, thinking and thinking.

Of all the monsters that father had told me about, there was one that he himself was impressed with. I still remember the day he described it to me.

'The Devil is never alone.' He had said,' He has a beast by his side.'

'What is the beast like?' I asked.

'Extraordinary.' His eyes shined as he spoke of the beast,' You see, Arkell, time tests everyone. The people and assets that we have on our side today, may not always remain with us. But that mindless beast!' He laughed,' It is like a faithful dog.' I could sense it. There was jealousy in his words.

'It stayed by the Devil's side. But how and why?'

'Who might know?' He shrugged,' That beast itself may not know why.'

'It was controlled by the Devil?'

'I cannot believe the Devil could control a beast taller than the walls of Shattered Vales with his dying powers.'

I never received an answer from father. But looking at the beast now and its glinting eyes shedding tears, I understood why. I got my answer.

"All Knights, withdraw." I stated with exhaustion. There were no casualties. Regardless of what the Mage did, the beast did not have any intention of harming us in the first place. It was pleading us to stay away from the Devil who was still weak.

I can understand my father's jealousy, now that I can feel it myself.


I returned to the West while my knights stayed near the walls for patrolling. The ambush that I had discussed with Sir Berka could not be executed due to the beast's presence. Meanwhile, I had to look after trade contracts with the Northern Kingdoms which were a hub of weapons and mana stones. The reserves of mana stones in my Kingdom were few, but I had the ability to produce mana stones and sanction them to capable Mages and for training purposes. All these tasks were exhausting and the newly created problem of the dark clouds was taking a toll on my mental health. Yet, I could not think about resting.

I was seated in my study, reading the documents related to imports. I hadn't slept a wink and had been looking out of the window, at the clouds that were approaching my people. I had sent a message through Sir Berka regarding requesting an audience with High Priest Karrez. He was a prophet. He must've known what was about to happen. Yet, he was keeping it from the imperial palace.

There can be only one reason. Mage Carlos.

Mage Carlos was the most notorious person I had ever come across. And yet, he had great importance. Even after knowing of his ill intentions towards me and the crown, I could only sit and watch.

I was awaiting my awakening.

Once my powers fully awakened, I could do everything Carlos was capable of doing as a Mage. Since he had been trained as a Mage and I, a King, I was not taught all that he already knew. Moreover, he had illegally learned the Control Spell. When young, I had tried going out of my way to learn the Control Spell and was heavily punished with leashes.
But I could do all of that, once I turned twenty four, which was the standard age of awakening. Until then, I had to wait.

Will I ever be able to turn twenty four? This thought ceased me as I glanced at the clouds again, and I became glum.


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