Chapter 22

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Gemini immediately got out of the car when they reached a gas station. The atmosphere was devastatingly awkward, and they had to take a breath. 

They walked to the bathroom to splash water on their face. Their own reflection startled them. Their eyes had changed to a deep purple, but all their makeup was gone. Their was still the same, just a little messy. They started, noticing someone behind them.

"Hathor. You scared me." Gemini turned around to face the goddess. 

"Good job facing Sekhmet. You managed to hold her off long enough to impress her. You should be proud." 

Gemini didn't feel proud. It had taken them at the most half an hour to cave in. They took the compliment. "Do you think I'm ready for whatever is coming next?" 

Hathor stepped forward and lightly touched their shoulder. "You are more than ready. Physically and magically, that is. I cannot predict the future, but I feel that something could go wrong." 

Suddenly, Hathor's features changed. Her gentle and ethereally beautiful face melted to darkness before reforming. Her lips, previously set in a thin line, were pulled into a snarl. Her hair looked very similar to a lion's mane, where before it was carefully braided. Her eyes were an incredible gold. Gemini could see fangs poking through her lips. 

"Sekhmet." The goddess smirked in response.

"You are powerful." Sekhmet nodded in approval. "I permit you to be my vessel. You will need my power for the coming battle."

She walked around them, assessing every inch of their skin. A spear materialized in her hand, and she poked them experimentally. 

"How dreadfully mortal. No matter." 

Gemini wasn't sure what they were supposed to say. 

"You remind me of Zahra Amani. She too was a warrior, a deadly rose." Sekhmet stopped in front of them. "Somehow, you are able to access both mine and my counterpart's power. With practice, you will be able to utilize all our abilities. For now, keep a connection with only one of us at a certain time." 

"You seem a little more, calmer?"

"This is my true form. The pharaohs are clever for using me to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, but it is quite simply horrible for me." 

Gemini couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic. "I appreciate your help, Sekhmet." 

"You are worthy of it. Hathor usually picks the best hosts. She did not disappoint." Sekhmet's golden eyes flickered outside. "Your allies are beginning to leave. You should join them." On that note, she faded into sand, which then got blown away by the intense wind when Gemini opened the door. 

Gemini felt stronger as they walked back to the car. They felt like they were more observant of everything, and they could somehow feel the presence of nearby creatures. Their muscles felt like compressed springs begging to release.

They could see Amos and Kane talking as they both walked to the car. Gemini sped up and caught up to the two right as they opened the back doors of the car. They could see Zia and Sadie were in the middle of an intense debate of some kind, based on the way Zia's lips were pursed and how Sadie's brow was furrowed.

"We're close." Amos was smiling. "Very, very close."


A little while later, the chaos around them stilled. Amos had driven them close to the mountain where they assumed Set was in, and it looked like they were right.

"Eye of the Storm," Carter mused. 

The mountain itself didn't look normal. Gemini could feel the energy that was threatening to tear everything down. They could see it try to break through the mountain.

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