Chapter 23

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Immediately Set began to taunt them all, and the Kane siblings were very obviously affected by the god. Gemini couldn't care about Amos, their thoughts focusing their attention to the fact that their aunt had been close to a possessed Amos. They were really worried for Seraphina's safety. 

Gemini assessed their surroundings. There was no way for any of them to escape safely, especially with Amos passed out on the floor, spent from trying to hold back a god from fully possessing him. Sadie quickly dragged him further away from the throne. Gemini felt immense sympathy for him.

Carter suddenly sent a wave of energy in the form of a fist into Set, sending him flying into a pillar. The stone cracked. 

Set roared with laughter. "Nice! Ineffective, but nice!" He got up and looked at the teenagers, his attention straying from Carter and Sadie. "It will be a pleasure to chop you up into pieces, Horus. I will entomb all of you to increase my power as I have Osiris." That explained the coffin beneath the throne. "All four of my siblings." 

Gemini was confused. They knew Set was referring to Sadie and Carter, as well as their dad, Julius. They weren't sure who the fourth was.

"Four?" Carter voiced Gemini's confusion.

"I haven't forgotten you, my dear," Set crooned, looking at Zia. "In the beginning you were my traitorous sister, and in another incarnation my traitorous wife." He walked confidently to Zia, and when Carter tried to stop him, Set knocked him aside with a blast of magic. Some of the god's magic slammed into Gemini.

"She can protect herself, she's Nephthys!" Sadie yelled at Gemini and Carter. 

But Zia had no magic, evident in her pitiful attempt at a fireball. Set redirected it to Sadie, who had to set up a hasty barrier to protect herself and her uncle. 

Set tugged at the air in front of Zia, and she flew towards him, floating at his level. He calmly inspected her, but his features quickly molded into frustration. "What is this?" Set's voice was thick with bloodlust. 

"You will not possess her," Zia said defiantly.

Set snarled and grabbed her throat. He threw her towards the edge, but Sadie saved Zia by quickly incanting "Wind!" and summoned a gust of wind. The blast of wind was enough to keep her from falling off the ledge. Sadie then directed another blast of wind to push Zia closer to her and Amos. 

"Is this your trickery, Isis?" Set sent a miniature sandstorm towards Sadie that she deflected with a shield. 

Gemini gathered the power of Sekhmet, transforming into the form she had adopted when they had fought her. They leapt for Set's throat, but the god turned last second and raised his arms. Gemini knocked him to the ground. They used their extreme strength to pin the god to the ground. 

"At least one of us has a loyal wife, Horus-" Set cut himself off, confusion flooding his eyes. 

Gemini returned to their normal body. "Wrong goddess," they grinned at the god. They could feel their canines pierce their lips. 

Set released a blast of magic, knocking Gemini aside. They rolled on the floor and quickly got up. Set was already up, and he was preparing a spell. His hands were cupped, and then he began to spin one of his hands around the other. Gemini could see a glimmer in Set's hands, but before they could set up a barrier, Set released the spell. He had summoned a sandstorm that was big enough to fill up the interior of the pyramid. 

Gemini raised both their arms and slowly brought them downwards. The sandstorm was quieted instantly. With their vision restored, they could see Set inches from them, a fist raised to punch them. 

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