Chapter 25

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Instantly Gemini was bombarded with the sensations of unique and divine magics. It was initially overwhelming and they had to ground theirself by grabbing on to Carter and holding on desperately. They could see animal-headed gods that became incorporeal and then grew in size and somehow shrunk again. They then realized they were looking extremely deep into the Duat. They forced their eyes to focus on the shallow levels, to see just enough of the gods. 

Gemini could see Hathor and Sekhmet, both existing individually and together. They saw Thoth and Sobek. Thousands of gods milled about aimlessly, obviously waiting for someone. Gemini figured they were the guests of honor. 

"What have we started?" Sadie murmured.

Gemini had to agree. They crowd began to gather around them, and then split, forming a path to a throne. 

Horus and Isis stood on either side of the throne. Horus had his khopesh sword at his side, and his silver and gold eyes were trained on Carter. Iris was standing without any weapons, but Gemini knew she was infinitely more dangerous than Horus. Her wings of light curled around her body.

"Welcome," Horus said.

Carter stared open-mouthed.

"He has a way with words," Isis remarked dryly.

Gemini giggled, and Carter shot them an offended look that quickly changed to a smirk when he saw Gemini look guilty. Gemini's brief moment of faint joy faded when they registered the look on Horus' face.

He was staring at Carter again. "I have to ask you again, Carter? Will you join me on the throne? What we accomplished when we defeated Set is just a taste of what we have the potential for."

Carter looked like he was in pain at the thought of ruling gods and mortals alike. Gemini knew that he was fully capable of being a leader, but it just didn't feel right. And it looked like even Sadie had the same reaction. 

Horus sighed. "I knew how you would respond, but Ma'at demands a leader." He walked around the throne to the foot of it, and stood proudly, facing the gods. "I, Horus, son of Osiris, claim the throne of the heavens as my birthright!" he shouted. "What was once mine shall be mine again. Is there any who would challenge me?"

The gods flickered and glowed, some wearing slightly displeased faces when they actually had faces. For the most part, however, the gods judged Horus worthy.

Horus took his seat on the throne. Isis brought him a crook and flail—the twin scepters of the pharaohs. He crossed them over his chest and all the gods bowed before him.

When they'd risen again, Isis stepped toward us. "Carter and Sadie Kane, as well as Gemini Amani, you have done much to restore Ma'at. The gods must gather their strength, and you have bought us time, though we do not know how much. Apophis will not stay locked away forever."

"I'd settle for a few hundred years," Sadie said.

Isis smiled. "However that may be, today you are heroes. The gods owe you a debt, and we take our debts seriously."

Horus rose from the throne. With a wink at Carter, he knelt before the teenagers. The other gods shifted uncomfortably, but then followed his example. Even the gods in fire form dimmed their flames.

When Horus got up again he laughed at Carter's look of complete disbelief. "You look like that time when Zia told you—"

"Yeah, could we skip that?" Carter said quickly. 

"Go in peace, warriors" Horus said. "You will find our gift in the morning."

Isis waved a hand and the Kane siblings disappeared. Gemini expected to disappear with them, but they remained in the presence of the gods.

"One from your family has committed grievous crimes against Ma'at with the very powers you wield now," Horus said gravely.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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