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I pulled the rifle up on my shoulder quickly as I shot without looking through the scope. Watching the familiar drop of bodies as each infected fell, though each one I downed was replaced by twice as many.

My eyes watched Ellie, noticing she struggled. Fuck, do I have to do everything? I ran up the jagged stairs taking out infected with both Ellie's pistol and Joel's rifle both proving effective.

Looking around I quickly grabbed an old bottle of alcohol and rag to light on fire, making a homemade molotov. I chucked the makeshift bomb towards the group that swarmed Ellie as she broke free of the fire encased bodies. Running past her towards the next set of stairs I listened as I heard her follow me.

Only four infected being left of the hoard, I quickly reloaded the rifle in my hands and took shots at each ones. I felt my heart drop at the sound of clicking as I looked down to find the gun empty of the precious bullets I supplied myself with curtesy of Joel's backpack.

Quickly pulling out the pistol I had tucked away I reloaded it as fast as I could but not fast enough as the last two infect quickly pounced on me.

Pushing with what little strength I had left I barely kept their mouths at bay before two shots rang out in the large cafeteria of the school.

Glancing over to see Ellie holding up my pistol with a set look on her face. I pulled my self up, pushing away the bodies as I made my way back over to the side door of the store we had stashed the man I was so unfamiliar with in.

Pushing the door open impatiently I ran over towards the older man. I looked over towards the girl knowing that we needed to leave soon. Also knowing I needed to get back to my trip.

'Do you have it?' I asked worried for the man in front of me. Looking over at the girl she glanced at me moving her eyes away from the unconscious man only for them to quickly move back.

'Yes.' She breathed out as she grabbed the medical first aid kit from her pack, once again not moving her gaze from the fallen man before us.

I grabbed the kit quickly sorting through them before finding a surgical needle and thread along with gauze.

'Okay.' I breathed out as I steadied my shaking hands. Sure I'd stitched up myself before but never someone else. Just a dog one time but he still didn't make it.

Ellie and Joel don't need to know that fact though.

Threading the needle I inched closer towards the man and got down on the ground beside him.

'I need you to hold his hand.' I spoke barely above a whisper, though I knew Ellie could hear me as the room was dead silent between Joel's occasional grunts of pain and my jagged breathing.

'Why?' She asked confused as she moved to obey the request.

Taking a deep I watched as Ellie grabbed the man's hand holding it down as his other rested under him. Noticing his eyes open at the contact of skin I watched as his eyes filled with anger seeing me, an unknown person above him as well as feeling his hands held down.

'Because this is gonna hurt like a bitch and he doesn't like me already.' I breathed out as I pushed the needle into his skin.


I heaved as I practically carried Joel's figure as we made our way towards their horse. Knowing I was leaving soon, I tried my best to get them on their way before I did, doing everything in my ability to not let the man and girl die.

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