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(Warning this is not Joel's chapter I lied, my bad, this is just a fluff chapter of Ellie and Mason😌😌😌😌)

Third person

'Just this way.'

The large mammals panted as they pushed their feet against the ground. The two girls atop the horses having stayed quiet the entire morning, left a chill in the air that was different from the cold air due to the winter.

'Who did you do these trails with before?' The auburn haired girl asked trying her best to make conversation as she trailed the brunette girl.

'Most days Sawyer or James, sometimes Casey, when she wasn't in medical.'  The girl responded as she continued through the woods, following the small trail of cold water.

'Do you miss him?' The auburn haired girl asked her counterpart as the two jumped over their obstacles.

'Sawyer? I mean, no, but I guess he's always gonna be there. We dated for a year and half, there's no getting rid of that.' The brunette girl responded, confused at why the other girl cared about her ex.

'Yeah.' The girl mumble in response as she felt an annoyance rise in her stomach at the reply from the brunette. She didn't know what to call the feeling that was eating at her every time she saw the brunette get close to other people or even talk about them, but she knew it was there.

'What about you? Cat? Noticed a while ago she stopped coming over.' The brunette responded as she spat the name towards the girl behind her, having a mutual dislike for the girl as she had for her.

'Yeah, things happened.' The girl responded to the brunette as she avoided the question on her breakup.

'I never really liked her anyway. Her art was nice though.' The brunette continued, not knowing of the small bubbly feeling that planted itself in the auburn haired girl's stomach at her words.


The two continued in silence for a while more as they shared mutual dislike for the other's exes, though without voicing it. Continuing though the snowed over woods, they came up to a building almost hidden by the weather that surrounded them.

'Ellie. You can park Shimmer in here.' The brunette called out as she brought her own horse into the makeshift stable area.

'Good girl, Luna. Right here.' The girl mumbled softly as she patted the animal for encouragement.

It was something Ellie found oddly cute about the girl with so many tough layers of her personality, she talked to the animals like they were humans.

Moving along through the building, once leaving their respective horses, the pair made their way into the sign-in area. Finding a couch the brunette girl plopped down as Ellie signed the pair's names, glancing at the names before.

| Dina and Sawyer            |
| Mason and Sawyer         |
| Tommy and Joel             |
| Tommy and Mason         |
| Sawyer and James          |
| Jesse and Dina                |
| Jesse and Dina                |
| Sawyer and Will             |

'Come on, let's get back to the horses. Town up ahead's our last stop.' Mason spoke as she pointed to the big tower across the small village.

With a nod, Ellie followed the brunette in silence as the two left the building and returned to the horses.

Pushing through the forest, the mutual silence was broken by the auburn haired girl.

'I think we should go out like Eugene.'

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