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'Eugene?' A voice rang out over the overbearing shouts of the large man who held a gun to my face as I sat on the ground ready to stand at any given moment.

'jódete pendejo! Get your fucking gun out of my face!' I screamed at the crazed man. Pissed off but still not wanting to hurt the man, I stayed still, knowing the people who called him Eugene were most likely his friends of some sort.

'Quiet!' He snarled at me pushing the gun closer to my face as an attempt at threatening me. Though by the look in his eyes I knew he would do anything to me without an order. After all he had the physique of a leader but the actions of a follower.

A leader would never clearly threaten an enemy who has a weapon as well, especially when you have no idea how skilled your enemy is with said weapon.

'Eugene, who is this?'  A woman asked as she jumped down from her horse. I looked over, ignoring the man, Eugene, all together.

'I'll tell you who I am if you get the crazy asshole over here to get his gun out of my fucking face.' I hissed at the woman who advanced towards me.

'And how do I know you won't pull out that knife in your hand right at me when he does, hmm?' She responded as her eyes glanced at my hand which tightly held the dark green switchblade Id used so many times before.

Found the leader.

'You don't.' I replied. The same way I replied to everyone. You don't know. Not with me. I'm unpredictable to the point I don't even know what I'll do.

The blonde haired woman hummed as she knelt down towards where I sat on the floor leaning back on my arms.

'What's your name?' She asked.

'Kaytl-' I started using the first name in my head before the woman so rudely cut me off.

'Your real name.' She spoke giving me a pointed look.

'Only if that motherfucker removes his gun. If not my as well shoot me.' I responded, perfectly fine with dying. To be honest I should have died a long time ago in the woods my dad left me in, I should have died before that even, in the factory along with them.

Watching as the woman's gaze shifted over my body, I noticed her demeanor change. The look in her eye trying to decipher if I was a threat or that was just my exterior.

I felt my gaze harden as she glanced at my bandaged wrist before her gaze shifted back to my face. She glanced towards Eugene, I think it was, as she sent a silent nod up, signaling for him to remove the gun from my face.

Jolting myself up from the uncomfortable position, I froze as the startled man instantly pulled the gun back.

'Dude.' I breathed giving him an annoyed look as I stuck my hands up while I stood up from the cold muddy ground.

Eugene lowered the gun once more as I took a step back from the group of people. Still holding my knife I stood frozen, my eyes glancing over each face around me as without even acknowledging myself, I planed a way to escape from their grasp if need to say they tried something.

'Name.' The woman asked though it sounded more like a statement when she spoke. Definitely the leader the big dude follows.

'Mason.' I spoke as I didn't fail to notice the small breath in that the woman took. She recovered quickly as she raised her eyes brows signaling for a last name.

Fuck, I'm not about to give away my last name. Judging on the reaction I just got from my first fucking name this woman knows who I might be, wether that's an enemy or a friend in her eyes, hell who knows.

INSANITY ||ELLIE W.Where stories live. Discover now