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I sighed at the thought as my mind was swarming with questions. "Don't stress yourself over it Hanzo. For now, just enjoy yourself while you are still part of the Lin Kuei." Kenshi said as I nodded softly. "Your right, I should at least make one more friend before I leave," I said as we walked back inside the bar. I searched around for Bi-Han but he was nowhere to be found. "He must have left early." I thought as I took a seat next to the TV in front of me.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Someone asked me as I turned around and saw a man who looked like Bi-Han. "Bi-Han?" I asked as he chuckled. "You must have mistaken me for my brother. I'm Tundra nice to meet you." He said as he lent his hand out for me to shake. "Scorpion. Nice to meet you too Tundra." I said as I shook his hand. His hand was ice cold like Bi-Han's but it was way colder and it felt powerful. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked me. "Sure. Hey, how come we haven't met before?" I asked him as he rose a brow. "That's funny, I have seen you plenty of times but I guess I have been in the shadows for a while." He said chuckling for a bit. "Shadows? Your part of another clan?" I asked. "No, that's the name of my team. I go on missions with the team only at nightfall. Thus my powers are stronger at the moon's rise." He said showing me his ice powers. "What do you call it? I heard Bi- I mean Sub-Zero talk about it all the time." I asked him.

"It's called cyromancy. Having the ability or power to control ice, though my powers came from a medallion that was placed upon me when I was born."  He said as I tilted my head. "How so?" I asked. "To tell you the truth I was born with my powers. The medallion is the reason I'm still breathing and walking this earth." He said as he showed me. I heard Bi-Han talk highly about the Lin Kuei medallion but this is the first time I saw it up close in person. "I always wonder Tundra? What is the purpose of the medallion anyways?" I asked as he chuckled at my curiosity. "Curiosity killed the cat Scorpion, but since you are that curious about it I'll tell you a little secret." He said leaning closer to my ear. His cold breath gave me shivers down my spine as it felt like an arctic breeze on the cold winter night.

"This medallion is a symbol of power and leadership. Which means I am next in line to become the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster." He whispered in my ear. "Don't tell anyone in the clan about this. I don't want Bi-Han to know about it either." He said as I nodded. "You are not like the others I had encountered with Scorpion. You're loyal, compassionate, and determined in your values and morals. It's a shame we haven't met sooner, you would make a great assassin on my team." He said as he frowned. I stared at my drink thinking about what I told Kenshi not too long ago.

"I have to decide at some point. If I leave would that mean leaving Bi-Han and the others? Or would it make me look like a trader to the clan?"

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