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I rushed over toward the palace as the smell of ash and burned flesh was hurting my nose. I came to a stop when I saw my father injured and taken out of the palace. "I know he's in there. Let me get to him." I said as he nodded. "Be careful son. Your brother has woken his powers are very powerful. Not even Cyrax and Smoke could take him down." He said as I ran up to them.

"Where is Kenshi?" I asked Thomas as he was patching Cyrax up. "Kenshi is trapped inside the East Wing of the palace. That is where Bi-Han is waiting for you. We tried to save you some time but he burst into black ink and unleashed portals of clones everywhere." He said as I tried to find an entrance.

"I'm going in through the window towards the East. I know which room he has him in and I can get Kenshi out of there before it's too late." I said and made my way there.

The flames were so hot that I couldn't climb up the wall to get to Kenshi. "Looks like I have no choice," I said as I froze the wall but it began to get slippery as the flames turn the ice into water. I kept slipping and slipping till eventually, I began to fall. "Gotcha!" I heard someone say as I looked up and saw. "Hanzo! You came back!" I said as he smiled at me.

"Can't let you die on my watch. Not to mention that you got ass to kick." He said as he threw me all the way up towards the window. Hanzo teleported his way through and kicked the window open. "I go and save Kenshi, you battle your brother and be the hero that this clan deserves." He said. Hanzo then took off his headband and wrapped it around my head. "What is this?" I asked him. "My headband will grant you some of my power so use it wisely." He said as he gazed at me. Before I could say anything else Hanzo kissed my cheek as I blushed. "For good luck. Knock him dead Kuai Liang." He said as I nodded.

Hanzo went into the palace head first and search for Kenshi. I went in after him and went in the opposite direction looking for Bi-Han. "Thought you would come back and try to defeat me." Said a familiar voice but this time his voice was more disoriented.
"Recognize me, little brother?" He said as I turned around and faced him. "Bi-Han? W-What happened to you?!" I said shaking in fear. "I thought a new look would make me feel more dominant upon you. Now then, less chit-chat and more killing you off." He said as we began to fight.


"Kenshi! Where are you!" I yelled as I ran threw the flames. I then listen carefully and heard coughing coming from Kuai Liang's room. I kicked down the door and saw him tied up as the flames were getting closer to him. "Hold still I'm going to remove the heat from this room," I said as he nodded. I let my hands heat up as the flames began to fade making the room cooler. They soon changed to a white or pale color.

I ran over to him and cut the rope to set him free. "Hanzo you came back! I thought they took you as a tyrant?" He said as I helped him up. "Turns out the real tyrant was Bi-Han all along. Let's get you out before we all get crushed in here." I said helping him walk.

"Where is Kuai Liang? Shouldn't he be here by now?" He asked as I was looking for a way out. "In the battle with his brother. It's a fight to the death for the throne which I believe we shouldn't get involved." I said as we ran out through the back entrance.

As we made it out safely, parts of the palace were falling off while Kuai Liang and Bi-Han were still inside. "At this rate, both of them will die in there. We have to get them out of there now!" Kenshi said as I stopped him. "No, this is his fight Kenshi. He will make it out alive...

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