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This picture stays. I like the mood it shows and it's cute.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. The thoughts of leaving the clan and Tundra being the heir to the throne kept me up all night long. I stared at the ceiling as everyone already left the room. "Is he okay?" I heard one of the maidens say as they were outside my bedroom door. "No, I'm afraid he's not." I heard another. "I'm worried about him. What if someone notices his tattoo?" She said as another shushed her. "Keep your mouth shut! I don't want to end burned as that monster did to his own family." One of them said as I jumped up. Before I could get out and ask, someone already walked inside the room.

"Scorpion? Why aren't you at practice training with the others?" Tundra asked me as I frowned. "Not feeling well today. For some reason, I feel very sweaty and hot." I said as he sat on the bed. "How about some fresh air? It's not too cold today and it could make you feel better with some sunlight." He said smiling a bit. " I'll wait for you in here." He said as I got out of bed. I searched for my uniform when I noticed that it was placed neatly on the bed.

"Old habits never die from you Scorpion." He said trying to cheer me up. "I guess so. Can we talk about something while we are in here?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Unfortunately no. Nosy maidens carry gossip and spread it like wildfire. I know a place where we can talk in peace with no one around." He said as I quickly got dressed.


"You're not afraid of heights, are you?" I asked him as he shook his head. "Not really. You've forgotten that I fell from a tree the size of that mountain over there." Scorpion said as I chuckled. "Oh, I remembered, just making sure you don't fall again this time." I teased as he scoffed.

We finally made it to the top of the Lin Kuei temple and watched a beautiful sunrise slowly moving up in the sky. "What seems to be troubling you Scorpion?" I asked him as he laid his head on my shoulder. "I told my friend Kenshi that I'm leaving the clan," I said as he frowned but looked relieved. "I guess I should tell you the truth also. I also want to leave my clan due to the evil principles that the elders have place." I said as we both sighed. "I thought you wanted to be grandmaster?" He asked me. "I do but when my brother found out he was very angry about my father's decision," I said as Hanzo placed a hand on my shoulder.

"That explains why he was pissed off yesterday," Scorpion said as I laughed. "He's always been that way," I said as Scorpion chuckled. "Oh please. Sub-Zero is going through an Emo phase at this point." He said as I laughed out loud. "That sounds like Bi-Han. An angsty teenager with a bad temper." I said as we both laughed. "How come you never train with us Scorpion? I mean I understand that you're not familiar with our fighting style yet but why not ask my father to let join us?" I asked as he frowned.

"I tried that multiple times already. But the reason is that I haven't fully developed my powers yet." He said as I rose a brow. "What do you mean?" I asked him one last time. "You see Tundra, I was born as a demon in the Nether Realm. Bi-Han found me when I unleashed my powers. Killing everyone including my parents." He said as tears fell. "T-That's why I don't expect to be treated this way in the clan." He said as I wiped the tears from his face with my thumbs.

"You won't be treated like this for long Scorpion-" I said. "Hanzo. My name is Hanzo Hasashi. I prefer for you to call me that instead of Scorpion when we are alone together." He said as I blush. "Then you may call me Kuai Liang," I said as he shook my hand. "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Kuai Liang even though we already know each other." He said as we both chuckled.

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