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25 years passed on since Bi-Han passed away. I was sitting outside on the roof of the Lin Kuei palace as the maidens were looking for me as usual. "When will they learn that they can't find me up here," I said as I chuckled. I jumped down from roof to roof and landed outside of the gates. "That should keep them busy while I go explore for a bit."

I began to walk down a path that led toward the village I used to take. Seeing how the road is almost gone I noticed something odd about it. "That's strange. I don't remember seeing this path before?" I said and decided to walk down it. Taking this path was the best choice I made as the bamboo trees were tall and beautiful. The sounds of birds chirping their song in a way say good morning to each other.

I made it out of the forest and walked into a meadow filled with white roses. In the center was a pond with a big oak tree blooming its white petals. It felt like I was in a dream but something hit me when I recognize that tree. "This tree...this is the same tree of when I first saw you and Kenshi fishing together," I said as I heard a thud coming from up the tree.

I looked up as the tree branches began to move almost as if there was someone inside the tree. "What the hell? Hey! Get down from this tree this instant!" I shouted but the person didn't answer.

Then a voice began to speak back to me. "I will. Once I get this app off this tree." Said the voice. The person's voice sounded deep and alluring. It was like it sparked warmth in my heart and I felt little butterflies inside. "What apple? This is an oak tree. Oak trees don't grow apples." I said as he scoffed.

"I know that apples don't grow on oak trees, your highness. By the elder gods are all your royals this stupid?" He said as I growled. "I am not stupid, jackass!" I shouted as he laughed at me. "Nice clap back, you're different than most of my friends at the fire garden." He said as I halted for a moment. "The fire garden?" I asked as it got quiet.

"Is it your home?" I asked him. It was silent for a moment when an apple fell on the ground. Then one fell on my head. " Ow! All I asked was a simple question. Not throw apples at me!" I yelled. "Sorry, you were in the way and yes the fire garden is my home. Why did you ask?" He said as I sighed.

"Never mind. You wouldn't understand if I told you." I said as he still hasn't gotten down from the tree.


"Either tell me or I throw another apple on that hard head of yours." I said as he growled. He then huffed as he stood up. "Fine, but you have to come down from that tree first." He smirked as I scoffed. "Then get out of the way." I said and jumped down.

"Well that was easy." He said. I sat down and he sat next to me sighing while looking a bit sad. "Wanna talk about it? You seem tense." I said as he shook his head. "You ever felt lonely?" He asked me as I nodded. "All the time. I sometimes see couples in my clan who looked so happy. Yet here I am wishing that one day I could find someone who can make me happy too." I said as I picked up an apple and cleaned it.

"I had someone who made me feel that way before." He said as I gave it to him. "Was it a girl? Or guy?" I said as he laughed softly. "Well it was a guy and he was very sweet. He had such a nice personality and he was a great listener." He said as I tilted my head a little. "Sounds like to me you had a crush on him." I teased as he rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I did. The problem was that he didn't feel the same towards me so I just let my feelings die down." He said as I looked down at the roses.

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