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"I used to have a friend like that too," I said as the other was surprised. "Wait really?" He asked me shocked to hear me say that. "He was from the Lin Kuei clan like you but he wore a blue headband all the time," I said as he was thinking to himself. "Do you remember his name?" He asked me. "Sadly no. 25 years ago I had gotten into a bad accident with my group," I said as he was interested in my story.

"What happened? Dangerous mission?" He asked me. "Something like that. It was an assassination and we ended up getting under attack by the Black Dragon clan." I said as he looked surprised. "The Black Dragon? I remember that clan before." He said as I rose a brow. "How come?" I asked him. "I was on a mission to locate missing gems that were stolen from the palace treasure. My group and I were able to track them down right before they could sell them off on the black market. But I paid a price when their leader fought back and left a deep slash on the left eye of my face." He said as he showed me.

"What about you?" He asked me. "He knocked me out. Which made me lose some of my memories. I suffer from memory loss so if I ask what I was saying or doing that just means I forget things easily." I said as he patted my back. "Do you remember your name?" he asked me. "Of course. But for safety measures, I would have to give you my code name instead." I said as he lent his hand.

"Well if that's the case. Hi, my name is Sub-Zero." He said as I was surprised. "That's an icy cold name for someone as cool as you," I said as we both laughed. "That's a good one but no. My name is not Sub-Zero. It used to be Tundra but I took in my brother's code name in memory of him." He said as I shook his hand. "Ah okay. Name's Scorpion nice to sting you." I said making him laugh even more. "I haven't heard good puns since my mother passed away." He said as I smiled softly.

"I bet she enjoyed telling you those," I said as he nodded. "She did. My father would always tell me that I was like her and that I was the exact reflection of my mother." He said as I frowned. "I know what that was like," I said as I looked away. "Do you have any parents? Of course, you do, sorry for bringing it up like that." He said.


Scorpion looked away for a bit as he sighed. I can tell I got on a touchy subject as he felt like he wanted to cry. I reached out for his hand and touched it gently as he took in a deep breath. "Both my parents passed away. I....murdered them when I discovered my powers." He said as I laid my head on top of his. "It wasn't your fault. You were a child, right? We all get curious and even scared when we discover something new to us." I said as he looked at me.

"How did you know I killed my parents with my powers?" He asked me. "I did the same thing but I killed my mother," I said as he looked down. "Don't blame yourself for something you didn't have control of," I said as he held my hand. Now that I think about it something about him makes me remember someone close to me. "You know Scorpion, you remind me of my best friend," I said as he chuckled.

"I could say the same to you too. My close friend had ice powers like you too. I believe it was cryomancy he would it." He said. "The ability to control ice. I think we have a few of those in my kingdom now." I said as I looked at his mask. "What powers do you have anyways?" I asked him. "Hellfire but my Oba-chan calls it pyromancy or pyrokinesis." He said as he showed me his powers. I watched as the flames danced upon his palm with ease and it began to change colors.

I reached out to touch it but Scorpion tapped my hand away. "It's dangerous to touch it when it changes colors. Hellfire isn't like a normal fire when you can just put it out with water and go on. It's everlasting and brutally dangerous to humans and demons." He said as it turned back to its natural color. "But to be safe, only cryromancy can put it out. Be careful because it's very hot and I don't want to burn you." He said as I gently touched the flames.

"It feels warm and gentle. It also smells like a fireplace on winter nights around Christmas." I thought as it felt so gentle and warm.

"That tickles hehe." He said as I looked down at my hands as smoke was appearing. "I'm sorry. It just felt so warm and smelt like gingerbread cookies." I said as he blushed. "S-Sorry. U-Uhm....I should head back home." He said getting up so quickly. "I should too, it was nice meeting you Scorpion," I said as he blushed and looked away. "Y-Yeah you too." He said and quickly ran away.

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