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[Hayden Pov]

~a few days later~

Friday evening and I'm late for work. My uncle is going to kill me, I promised to replace him in the evening. That's how responsible I am, can you see that much? Looking at the upside of this I run, and running is healthy, right? I pass drunks, homeless people and people going home or clubbing. I run into my Auntie and Uncle's club. Seriously! There couldn't have been a bigger crowd. Didn't your mother have more of you? I push my way through the people. I run like some psycho behind the bar counter to the door, entering the back room. On the rack I see someone's jacket. It wasn't my uncle's or my aunt's jacket. Probably some new employee. I walk behind the bar and am immediately met with a look from my new "friend".

-Hi, Hayden. - I shake her hand.

-Sam. - She also shook my hand and bestowed a quick smile, but also a strange look. I still have a fist print on my cheek, thanks Tara. - Are you OK? - She added after a while pointing to her cheek.

-Yes I'm fine. School and stuff. - I replied with a smile.

We worked together and after a while Sam got a call and went to the back room. I was just making a drink for some guy. I noticed that it was going to be difficult to give it to him, there was a crowd of people on the way to you, including two already slightly pissed off and drunk customers. Okay, I'll manage somehow. I push my way through the people, my hand has never balanced like this. I put the drink on the table and started happily walking back that I hadn't pounced on anyone. It was obvious that someone was going to pour me a drink.

-Sorry, sir. - Said the drunk woman, laughing lightly. Her cheeks and nose were rosy.

-Sorry about my wife. - Said the Man, he was not as drunk as his wife but I could smell the whisky from his mouth.

-Nothing happened. - I said giving them a smile. Artificial maybe, but always something right?

My trousers were wet and the bottom of my shirt slightly. I headed straight for the back room wanting to get an apron. My uncle and aunt had bought them, but no one had ever used them. It came in handy once. I walk past the bar and see that Sam still hasn't come back. No one's going to be at the bar for a while. I walk into the back room and see Sam talking to Tara. Okay, I don't ask. I quickly grab my apron and put it on. I get a puzzled look from them. I'm not quite sure if it's because I walked in like this without asking or knocking, or because I'm wet, maybe two of them? All in all, this makes the most sense.

-Hi, what's up? - I ask the girls, waving to them with a broad smile.

-Hi Hayden. - Tara replies to me waving lightly and smiling. Nice smile she has. HAYDEN stop it, you're at work and it's your friend from school.

-Wait, you guys know each other? - Replied Sam after a while. Puzzled. Actually, I'm surprised too. - I can ask you the same question - I said pointing at them.

-Yes we know each other, I go to school with Hayden. - Said Tara looking at Sam. - And Sam is my sister so yes we know each other. - Tara added, this time looking at me.

Little Bit of Love  ~  Tara Carpenter x Male OC |HOLD ON|Where stories live. Discover now