T r a u m a F o r F u n • a c t 3

410 8 3

*>\^~Y/N POV~^/<*

I open my eyes and see me laying right on the demon, I scramble off of him and look for my nirichin sword only to find it nowhere.

"Oh my god this is it- if I don't die here I'll die facing haganezuka..." I mumble as I slump towards the floor in defeat.

I continued mumbling random stuff as I didn't even notice the demon walking towards me until I felt a hand pat my head, seemingly reassuringly..? No, I'm just stupid- he probably is going to crush my skull or something, its better than facing haganezuka I guess.

I close my eyes preparing for some type of pain but it never came. I open my eyes only to see turquoise eyes staring right back at me, I flinch as I back away but he just laughs.

"Ah.. you're one of the most entertaining slayers I've came across!" He laughed as his hand covered his mouth.

"Uuuh.. thank yooouuuu....?" I mumbled confused.

"Hmm.." he mumbled as he stared at me in deep thought.

"Ah!" He clapped his hands together making me flinch. "Why don't we make a deal?"

I looked at him nervously before nodding slowly.

"I won't attack any humans anymore unless I need too. But! You have to take me along with you!" He said as I looked at him shocked and confused.

"Well.. is it a deal?" He said as he stared at me.

"Ah.. uuh.. sureeeeee...?" I say as if it was a question.

"Aha, your too funny! You've been answering every question with a question!" He exclaims with a grin before standing up.

"Well! Let's go! There isn't much of a point being here anymore! Plus, I would like to get you off the train before we reach him..." he mumbles the last part but I still heard which made me tilt my head in confusion.

"Ah, it's nothing you should worry about! He doesn't hurt women but it would be a shame if he killed one of your friends!" He said with no worry in his voice whatsoever making me sigh.

"Well I'll go tell rengoku we don't need to worry anymore?" I question as i look down at the ground.

"Alright I have some things to deal with first!" He said with a smile as I look at him confused.

'Things..? What could he mean, he was doing this all by himself with the help of some children-' I cut off my own thoughts as I realize what he meant.

"If you kill those kids I'll personally strangle you." i smile sweetly as my eyes show everything but happiness, he just laughs and nods.

I jump down into the cart where rengoku and the others are with the uppermoon.

Everyone is still asleep as tanjiro and nezuko are trying to wake them up. The children from before were all awake and glaring at them but made no move to stop them.

"Well it seems some people can't do their job correctly!" The demon, whom i still don't know the name of, laughs as the children stare in fear and bow down.

"Do you give children trauma for fun?" I say with an eye roll.

He thought about it for a moment before nodding happily.

"Oh my fucking god" I mumble before laughing a bit.

"Ah, I just realized I never got your name!" The demon exclaims while turning to me.

"Oh right! Forgot to tell ya'! It's y/n, y/n l/n!" i grin at him as he smiles back.

"Lovely to meet you officially this time! My name's enmu!" He says as he claps his hands together.

I look back over to the children only to see them look at me fearfully which made me look at them concerned.

"Well you're lucky, if I still wanted them dead, you all would meet an.. unfortunate end.." he says with the same smile which made shivers go up my shine.

The children look at him terrified yet confused by him saying it as if he doesn't want them dead.

"But! Thanks to her," he paused to gesture towards me, "I don't care about them dying anymore."

The children let out a sigh of relief as I look at enmu in a judgmental way.

"Aha! You're so cute!" he smiles at me a he pets my head causing me to groan annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just get off this train." I mumble while glaring at him.

He never lets a smile leave his lips as he nods.

-/ a c t 3 - E N D \-

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