T i n y E n m u • a c t 4

357 5 2

I sigh as we finally got the others off the train. Inosuke was being.. Inosuke and even tried to fight enmu earlier. While zenitsu was crying in a corner. Renogoku had a hard time agreeing but he eventually let enmu stay with me, he decided to get back to the corps earlier than us so he isn't here anymore. He did promise not to tell anybody about enmu though.

"They are rather.. Loud, arent they?" enmu mutters as tanjiro was holding inosuke back from attacking zenitsu.

"I hope I never get paired up with these annoying bastards again!" I chirp out cheerfully as enmu chuckles.

I stare at inosuke blankly as he try's to send an attack towards Zenitsu, I sigh before walking over to him and knocking him out by chopping the back of his neck.

"Dumbass." I state as I tanjiro thanks me as he tosses inosuke over his shoulder.

I hear enmu whisper something to himself as I walk back over to him.

"What was that? I couldn hear you" I question as enmu smiles at me.

"It's nothing dear" enmu says as i sigh at his lack of explaining.

I watch as tanjiro carey's inosuke back towards the corps, zenitsu following behind him.

"Well, let's go!" I grin at enmu as he nods before we start walking, me immediately tripping over my own feet.

i let out a noise that sounds close to a squeak as i fall, closing my eyes preparing for the impact. it never came though.

i open my eyes to see that a pair of arms stopped me from falling, i glance towards the person who caught me and surprisingly, it was enmu.

"be careful dear~ wouldnt want you getting hurt!" he teases as a slight blush covers my face.

do i... like him? no, no, no, that's impossible, either ways he's a demon! a lowermoon! i cant... he wouldn't like me back anyways.

I mutter a thanks as he smiles at me, I focus my attention back towards the boys and speed up to them, Enmu following close behind

On the way back to the corps we talked with eachother and the boys asked enmu some questions. Of course when inosuke woke up he tried to fight enmu but I resolved that by... Having a nice 'talk' with him, which may or make have no ended with him having multiple bruises.

I glance up towards the sky as we head towards the entrance of the corps, the Sun was going to rise any minute.

My eyebrows furrow as I come to a stop. The others notice as they glance back.

"Ah, sorry! The Sun is going to rise soon and we will temporarily hide enmu until I can talk with master." I explain as tanjiro nods and puts his box down, opening it to reavel an asleep nezuko. I almost squeal at the sight but hold it in.

"Can you turn small like nezuko?" tanjiro questions a enmu stares at him blankly before hesitantly nodding, shrinking
to the size of a small child.

I look at the now small enmu stunning before squealing happily and picking him up.

"ASHJSHAJHS YOURE SO CUTE OH MY GOD" I exclaim as enmu stares at me blankly as he glances towards the side, a slight blush that I don't notice on his face.

"A-alright... would you mind getting in the box before the Sun comes out?" tanjiro question nervously a enmu nods and I put him down, enmu walks over to the box before sitting in it

Tanjiro exhales in relief as he closes the box and puts it back on.

"Well, lets go on!" I cheer as I run towards the entrance of the corps.

"H-hey!! Wait for us!!" tanjiro exclaims as he and inosuke run after me, I chuckle as I contuine running towards the entrance.

-/ a c t 4 - E N D \-

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