Chapter 2

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Back in the living room of his little house, Greyson wondered exactly what he’d got himself into. If Voldemort was involved, you could be assured it wasn’t going to be pretty.

Seconds later, a still laughing ghost appeared to walk into the living room through a wall.

“Care to share with the class?” Greyson asked.

“Eventually. So what changed? After the Adoption, I mean?”
Greyson frowned.

“I will explain, uncle. I will.” Ghost-Harry assured him.

Greyson put all three Inheritance Tests down on the table.

“Animagus? Bindings? Bloody Dumbledore! The bastard, he bound my magic! Why would he put all these charms on me? I don’t get him. He didn’t even give me a chance!”

“Easy, lad. Perhaps if you tell me your story, I might be able to shed some light on the idiot’s actions.” Greyson suggested.

“Humph… maybe. We’ll see. Ok. Where to start? I don’t know. Ask me a question, get me started.”

“Alright. Let’s start with why you said your time was running out, you said something about baby-Harry waking? What has that got to do with ghost-you?”

“Right… this is complicated. Really complicated… when I was seventeen I was killed, Moldysnort hit me with a Killing Curse.”

“He used Avada Kadavra!? On a seventeen year old?”

“It didn’t matter to him how old I was, he’d already tried it on me as a baby. Didn’t quite work, but gave me that fancy scar.”

“Baby? He tried…? No. No, we’ll come back to that. Time, Harry, why the time limit?”

“Ok, back to seventeen and me being killed. Killing me destroyed the Horcruxe in my scar, I knew that going in, but dying? Not great. I ended up in one of those halfway places. Dumbledore was waiting for me.”


“Yeah. He’d been killed the year before, idiot put on a cursed ring, another Horcruxe, and it was killing him, so he used that to buy the Dark Lord’s confidence in his pet Death-eater.”

“Who was that?”

“I’m not saying, mostly because, I’m hoping to turn him back.”

“Once a Death-eater always a Death-eater.” Greyson growled.

“Not according to Merlin.”

“Merlin? The Merlin?”

“Yep. He told me how to remove a Darkmark, if the bearer is honest and swears by their magic that regret it and are willing to make an Unbreakable Vow to not serve the Dark Lord again, the mark can be revoked. I’ll come back to that later. Anyway Dumbledore told me that once the Horcruxe was destroyed, I had to make a choice. The choice to go back or to go on. And pretty much as soon as he said that, he left. Before I could make a decision, I heard a voice behind me, when I turned around, there was Death and Merlin.”

“Whoa, whoa, what? Death?”

“Ah, yeah. Part of my long story, but if I’d done what Dumbledore wanted I would have become the Master of Death. But.. back to the story. Death and Merlin talked to me and gave me options. More options than Dumbledore knew about.”

“What were they?”

“The first option was to go back to the forest just seconds after Moldysnort killed me, but because I’d died the Horcruxe was destroyed so Moldysnort’s was mortal, no Horcruxes left. All I had to do then was kill him.”

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