home not once and for and for all

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no warnings for this chapter <3


Naruto sighed as he looked at the thousands of paperwork that he had on his desk turn into a hundreds, and then it got lesser and lesser. Finally, he was done. Just a little motivation and he had got through it. Now he could go back home to his family. Luckily, he knew they'd all be happy to greet them. Naruto looked at his watch to check the time. It was just a few minutes before school would be out. He smiled. It'd be best if he had went home already.

Naruto got out of his chair, packed his things and left his office. He went down the stairs to the last floor of the Hokage's Tower, waving bye to everybody he'd seen in the way. Finally once getting in the village, he took a shortcut home so he wouldn't be swarmed by the villagers. Yeah...he didn't want that happening again. When Naruto got home, the door was unexpectedly unlocked.

Well that's unusual. Naruto thought.

He shrugged and kept going. He opened the door to the house and placed down his bag and the bento box Hinata had gave him not to long ago for lunch. He looked around the house, it smelt like another guy was inside the house. Probably just, Kiba or someone. She might've got bored during the day.

"Hinata I'm home!"

Naruto said, he walked around the house peaking through every room to see Hinata. Then he heard a click upstairs. He went back towards the front door and placed his hands on the staircase. He looked up to see what was going on but it was pretty dark. Finally he saw a shadow coming down the steps. Then he saw the familiar purple hair and light purple shirt.

"Naruto! Your home...really early."

Hinata whispered as she came down the stairs. She was rubbing something in her hands. It smelt sweet. Naruto just chuckled and placed one of his usual big smiles on his face. He hugged her. Hinata didn't expect it but she hugged him back.

"I got through with my paperwork with a little motivation..I came home early to see the children of course."

Naruto responds in the hug before letting Hinata go. She smiled at him. She finally stopped rubbing her hands together. Naruto being curious as always just stared at her. She raised a brow once realizing.

"Sorry... I'm really curious about what your rubbing in your hands. It really smells good."

Naruto said while scratching the back of his head. Hinata just looked at him then she smiled and giggled just a little bit. She placed her hands on his chest.

"I had went to train with my sister Hanabi, so I just took a quick rinse. I ended up finding some hand soap so I just used it too. And you....don't really smell good yourself."

Hinata tells Naruto. He turns white and his jaw drops. Hinata giggles and walks past him into the kitchen, leaving him to process everything that just happened. 'Damn, that sucks ain't it?' Kyuubi asked Naruto, Naruto could hear him chuckle. 'Oh shut up, Kyuubi.' Naruto said. Frown appearing on his face.

Naruto took what Hinata said into consideration and went upstairs to take a shower. Didn't wanna smell bad when the kids came home. Naruto entered the bathroom but he couldn't just help but smell another's man cologne. He just shrugged it off in the meantime and decided to get in the shower.

Downstairs, Hinata walked to the front door to open it for her children. Himawari was the first to greet her with a huge hug. She hugged her back and smiled. She greeted the others and let them inside.

"Are you guys hungry? Did you eat?"

Hinata asked them. Boruto chuckled and smiled. His mother just loved to cook.

"Mom, calm down. We already ate. Also I smell a familiar scent but I just can't put my finger on it."

Boruto mumbled. Himawari looked at him and started to sniff. The face she made let Boruto know that she had smelt it too. Hinata put down the rag into the sink and smiled.

"Your dad is here. He got finished with his paperwork, so I'm sure he'll be home for at least tonight and tomorrow."

Hinata tells them. Himawari squeaks and jumps in enjoyment. Boruto scowls and Kawaki just hums. He left the kitchen and went to sit down in the living room to watch TV. Boruto turns around and goes to head upstairs before Hinata stops him.

"Hey Boruto, don't be mean to your father atleast."

She tells him. Boruto rolls his eyes without her seeing and turns around and nods his head before heading upstairs. Hinata, not being dumb, she smacked and shook her head. Hinata heard footsteps coming back downstairs. She thought it was Boruto but then she saw Naruto's cloak.


Himawari yelled loudly and ran to him. Naruto chuckled and got down and when Himawari reached him he hugged her and pick her up. She buried her face into his orange hoodie. That was the scent she had smell earlier after she sniffed the hoodie.

"Hey Himawari! Did you have fun at school?"

Naruto said letting her down. She smiled and shook her head yes. Naruto smiled big and patted her on the head.

"Where's Boruto? I haven't seen him or Kawaki yet."

Naruto mentions as he looks around.

"Boruto is upstairs, Kawaki is in the living room, or he's probably in the kitchen now."

Himawari tells him. He rubs her head again before walking into the kitchen. It was only Hinata there so that only meant that Kawaki was in the living room. The phone started ringing. Hinata stopped what she was doing to answer the phone but Naruto stopped her.

"I got it. You've been doing enough."

Naruto said. Hinata smiled. Naruto grabbed the phone and answered it. Putting the phone to his ear, hearing Shikamaru's voice he knew that he'd probably have to go back to work.

"Yoo! Naruto, we got some unexpected news. Also you have some more paperwork you got to get to." Shikamaru said.

"Damn. The one time I think I have a break from paperwork. Alright, what's this news about?" Naruto answers.

"I think I'll just tell you in person. See you, bye."
Shikamaru said then hung up.

Naruto looks at the phone before putting it back where it was. Hinata had stopped what she was doing to look at him and raise a brow.

"Uh... I just got a call from Shikamaru. I got to get back to the Hokage's Tower. I'm sorry. Tell everybody that I said I love them, you too. Bye."

Naruto said, before he left he quickly went and gave Hinata a kiss on the cheek before rushing quickly out the door. When he left. Hinata frowned, she wiped the spot that she had kissed him at. She groaned and threw the wet wash rag in the sink and went into the fridge to grab something to drink.

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Okay well, that's the end of this chapter. Pretty short, I mean yeah ik. Anyways nothing really much to say.

Byeee !! See you in next chapter <3

RETRIBUTION // NARUFEMSASUWhere stories live. Discover now