09• Our little chats

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It had been a long evening, which I wouldn't have wished to relive — if Noel had not been involved. Even after an exhausting drive through the outskirts of the city and ordering the spiciest dish on the menu at a restaurant downtown. Noel still seemed reserved and happier at the exact time.

We arrived at my home, half an hour later due to the multiple orders we had for the night. With the pizza, instant noodles and spicy wings packed in the takeaway order bag — I quickly entered the passcode as the door opened. Immediately, when the entrance was clear, Noel got inside. I made sure that I had not informed him about my father's absence because it was the least self-control reminder that my dad taught me.

His steps were sturdy and quiet to avoid unnecessary noise because, apparently, my dad was asleep according to my lies. "Are you certain that your father won't mind you inviting a male alpha at this time?"

I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face. It had to be the first time that I saw him sneaky and worried. "Of course." I lied, "He wouldn't mind at all."

Noel shrugged off my comment as he walked over to the living-room. A little calmer than earlier — he sat on the couch and placed the bag on the decorated, glass table. I walked over toward the kitchen, then turned on the kettle. "It was cold outside, do you prefer tea or coffee?" If I'm accurate, he preferred coffee with half a spoon of melted brown sugar.

"Green tea, thanks." I froze midway of coffee brewing.

"But, you are allergic to green tea." The spoon in my hand fell on the floor, which caused Noel to laugh.

"I'm allergic to — oh, I said that in an interview. I only take herbal tea." Noel's gaze was fixed on my dumbfounded expression that I couldn't hide. I thought he had said tea had a bitter taste to it. "Do you watch a lot of those stuff?"

"What stuff?" I gasped.

"The gossip news and trends."

"No, I have a friend whose your crazy fan." My stomach turned at the lies that I kept summed up for the night. When I stared at the tea cups, my mind unconsciously thought of my father. If I had continuously made herbal tea for him back then during his early stages, would he have been healthier? To think of it, I should have gotten rid of all the alcoholic beverages.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Noel's voice seemed closer than before. I suddenly turned, then flinched when I noticed that he stood beside me — a cup of tea in his hands. "I had been speaking to myself for a while."

"S-sorry, I'll bring some juice for the spicy food." Flustered, the heat in my cheeks became warmer as I rushed to the refrigerator. "Orange, right?"


"Are you certain?" I whispered. It was strange, I had been Noel's fan for a while. I had a phase where I stalked him and everything that he liked or disliked. But, the person who stood in front of me seemed to be different.

"Yeah? I can have orange juice too."

"I'll bring it." Subsequently, we both walked back to the living-room before Noel set up the video game. It was awkwardly silent until everything was loading and the music filled the room. We sat on the same couch, my heartbeat increased at the closeness.

"Still want to bet?" His bottom lip curled upward, despite the bright light from the lightbulbs — his eyes had a hint of excitement. That made me nervous about the outcome of the night. I rubbed my thumbs when his eyes met mine. "Of course, there are boundaries."

When he tilted his head with the brightest smile that I had ever seen, it drove me to a greedy path of many wishes that he could always smile at me. "Okay, but keep the dares soft." Noel's laughter filled the room.

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