16• Our goofy smirks

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I stared at the bright stars as the cold, night breeze caressed my skin. A playful, goofy smirk appeared on my face, and the sound of the piano instrumental that played in the background almost made me swing my hips slowly whilst humming to the tune. Moreover, I kept smiling uncontrollably whenever I recalled Noel's teasing from the earlier events; how I wished I'd heard more of my father and his conversation because he might've charmed Papa. Maybe I should've admitted that he was my boyfriend.

My fingers smoothly caressed my shoulders after a sudden cold breeze filled the air; it seemed to have gotten colder, the longer I stood on the balcony. Moments later, I walked back into my room before my gaze was fixed on the phone on the bed. Would it be logical to contact Fiona? A part of me wished to verify what happened with my mother, yet, another despised her so much that I could break down.

Truthfully, I felt undecided. After several years, I came to the realization that my parents' relationship wasn't perfect; even before I noticed her absence. Being young and naive, I continuously dismissed her cries and the arguments. Father should have been more attentive and mother — Could she have fallen head over heels to escape the baseless union? Thereafter, father changed. Couldn't she have held on for a bit longer for my sack? I felt so lonely and had to experience sleepless nights whenever dad was admitted to hospital since twelve years old. It was weakening; that was how I felt before the door was pushed ajar, then excitement suddenly filled my system when Ruby rushed in. "Ruby!"

"Wow, you look different." Ruby rubbed her chin, though her eyes wandered from my head to my toes. "What has Noel been feeding you?"

"Come on, stop messing around." I rolled my eyes, which didn't help because her hands suddenly searched my entire body.

"Oh my gosh, what the —" Suddenly, she held my waist, then rubbed my tummy. "Still flattish, but how did they grow so big." I felt my eyes widen as I gasped when she searched my upper chest area.

"Stop, it's a push-up bra!" Exclaiming and rushing toward the corner of the room, I pouted as my gaze fixed on my companion's shocked expression. Directly, I grabbed the bedsheet closest to me, then shyly covered myself.

"I thought bras made you uncomfortable, and is that lace and a new phone?" Ruby covered her mouth before the horror vividly displayed on her facial features. "That bastard! Did he get these for you?" I shook my head as she walked toward the phone on the bed, clenching it tightly. "Damn, this is expensive. Wait, this is ridiculous!"

"Ruby, it's not what you think—"

"Not what I think? Did that ridiculous looking fool use you? My innocent, naive Aurora — don't accept such expensive gifts from boys! In fact, that fool bought you underclothes? Oh gosh, have you two done it?" It was my turn to be horrified before I covered the distance between us. Though, Ruby seemed too dazzled and continued bubbling about risks of copulation.

"We haven't done the deeds yet!" Yelling whilst grabbing her arms. "Stop calling Noel a fool or bastard; because dad bought it for me. I also bought my clothes, I just wanted to change my style a little." I took a deep breath, then continued. "Noel is respectful and stop searching me; I'm reserving my body for him."

"Ugh! The cliché." Ruby rolled her eyes, then smiled. "Yes, don't do it until you start working."

"Thanks for the advice, mom." Even though I felt irritated by her assumptions, Ruby's worries always reminded me that she would protect me. Thereafter, a smile crossed my face before pulling her in my arms. "You are the best sister ever."

"You silly goose." Ruby chuckled; her hands rubbing my back. It was the warmth that reminded me that I wasn't alone and guaranteed my emotions were valid. "What's wrong?"

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