(ROR) scenario gods reacting to their s/o being executed

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A/n✨ I like these scenarios, I'll take request in scenario form lol. Ok so reader destroys something important to the gods for fun very taboo. You just wanted to see what would happen you curious beastly. Let's see how our favorite gods will react to their bae being executed right in front of him.

⚠️ the description above should be enough TW

Loki 🫧

First off, this mf was RIGHT there with you when it happened, matter of fact he did all the leg work. You were just there to witness it and slipped up and got caught.

You ain't no snitch though

And Loki finds this out after he disguised himself as a a guard and pressured you into giving up your partners name as they couldn't find you capable of doing the crime alone. He thought it would be funny to interrogate you to see if you'd crack, but realized he set himself up to fall even harder for you

While playing a guard the night prior to your execution Loki released you.

You were hesitant at first because you knew if you run, they would find you quickly. But when Loki revealed himself you jumped into action.

You both ran away and lived happily ever after 🤷🏾‍♀️

Hades 🫧

Hades would be shocked to say at the very least he wouldn't believe what the messenger told him about the crime you committed

He would go to your cell the night prior to your execution begging to hear the truth from you. When you admit it was you he would be in shambles

The day of your execution he would be the type of nigga to step in and say "if you want to kill her you have to kill me first." 💀

It could go either way ig it depends on Zeus mood, but with his brother putting his life on the line so carelessly Zeus might just ban you from Valhalla and make you a permanent resident of helheim which would be just fine with you and Hades.

Hades would punish you later for being so naughty and causing him so much trouble tho 😈

Beelzebub 🫧

First off how are you even still alive? Oh that's right you're y/n and you are immune to his curse 💅🏾

Beelzebub is nowhere to be found, no one has heard from him since he was told about your crimes and your punishment.

As a matter of fact.... no one has heard from those messengers who delivered the news to Beelzebub either

You didn't see him in the crowd come execution day, but he saw you. Which broke your heart before you died, you wished to see him one more time

Watching your lifeless body hang there will definitely make something snap inside of him.

He might slaughter the people around him since the only person who was able to bypass his curse is gone now so he doesn't care anymore

Or he might go home and create an army of undead warriors to do his bidding.

Either way he lost his light(you) and he will go back down a path of destruction.

Hermes 🫧

Hermes warned you not to do it and you did anyways

He would do the MOST to make your last day very special, prepare your favorite meal, bring your favorite wine. Heck if he could stay the night and cuddle with you one last time he would in a heartbeat

He would make his anger towards you passive aggressive asf. He wants you to enjoy your last day as much as possible as a painful reminder to you of what you did, you threw everything away.

He would sit where you could see him painfully keeping his focus on you.

He will turn and flinch when your neck snaps on contact unable to keep his eyes on you any longer.

Hermes would be numb, his whole body wouldn't move from that seat he would be the last to leave, long after your body was already taken away.


Well we both know he isn't letting them execute you... that's right you guessed it! Another one who would put his life on the line for you.

First off Buddha was off somewhere helping others when he heard of your secret execution. (Loki told him) They weren't even planning on telling him because they knew he would cause trouble.

Buddha would be flying towards you, he would rush in at the very last moment cutting the rope as soon as the lever was pulled to drop you.

With you in one arm holding you like a sack of potatoes and his staff in the other he's ready to die before anyone lays a finger on you. Once your hands are free you both fight your way into an escape route.

It wasn't easy, but you both managed to escape and he promised to not leave you alone again since you don't know how to act.


Babes he doesn't care about us 🥲

He might show up the night prior to your cell to ask you where you put his favorite book at or something.

Then will low key drop in there how foolish you were and you should've know better.

He would feel very sad the day of your execution only because you reminded him that you loved him before they pulled the lever but he would also yell back something along the lines of "then you shouldn't have done that." After you take your last breath reality would set in and he would be upset and disassociate.

He would go home and cut off communications with everyone outside of Atlantis for probably a few centuries from depression.


You put our long hair daddy in a tough position 💀

On one side he needs follow the rules, remain calm and act as a god should. Odin could disown him or something if he tried stop your execution and then Thor won't be in line for the throne.

On the other side Thor feels and loves deeply, his heart holds a lot of compassion for you, He would do anything for you.

Thor would employ the help of his mama bear (step mama) and y'know Frigg, heavily promotes love, marriage, fertility and her knowledge on fate. She knows you and Thor are crazy in love and meant to be together and she would hate to see him down about this for eternity.

They would blackmail Loki for help and plan something along the lines of disguising another person to look like you, while you escape and stay hidden in another realm.

Just to avoid any confrontation with Odin since they went behind his back sneakily.

Thor will visit as often as he can, it will just be a long distance relationship until he's in charge of the throne in Asgard.

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