The Tale of Gray x Mega Charizard X

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gray decided to do a flower arranging class because he didnt wan tto be an alpha male ever anymore for eternity because Flowers were cool. he wanted to dissect the Flowers because yes

"no" said a deep gruff fruity charming silly goofy masculine man apex predator voice

"what?" said gray sarcastically

"dissecting Flowers is a crime" he said again in a beautifully melancholy magestical dep tone as his flames smoked


mega charizard x was the most fantabulous creature in the multiverse. he had flawless luciously granny hair that cascaded down to his large fat toes which were beautiful on their own because they were broken and bitten on. scales, beautiful, wonderful fantastic, beautiful, grandeur, awesome, great, cool scales. they were oh so shined and polished to perfection against the muscles as if charizardw ere wearing them like a poncho. oh and his eyes his perfect red bloodthirsty eyes. he could kill me any day. and the falmes gray wanted to stroke and caress them like an iceberg's ice

"youre hotter han the school fire alarm going off"

"tehre is normally no fire anyway"

"no but who really cares? youre slaying. your giving."

"if you play with fire yure bound to get burnt"

and then gray died. 

he did not get to go on tamki's 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂 yacht

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉

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