Chapter 3

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Sasuke let out a short breath as he died the engine at the big, wooden doors of the mansion. He looked behind and saw that his son was still sleeping.

Smiling softly, Sasuke scooped the child up, and went into the mansion quickly, trying to shield him from the harsh droplets of rain.

"Where is my father?" Sasuke asked to the bowing butler as he entered the mansion.

"He has retired for the night," The man replied politely.

"Sakura?" He asked indifferently. "She's not back yet, master."

Sasuke nodded at the butler. "You may retire for the night as well."

The butler bowed again as Sasuke walked into the stairs.

The mansion looked like a palace from the old times. It was unnecessarily big, and designed with furniture that looked like from the last century. And dark, always dark.

If Sasuke needed to sum up the place he lived, he would use the word, cold. There was a reason why he called it mansion and not home. Home was supposed to be the place where you would want to go in the end of a day. It was supposed to be the place that shields you from the rest of the world. But, in this place, Sasuke only felt uneasy. Maybe that was the main reason why Sasuke worked all the time, just to come here a bit later

Sasuke frowned as he looked down at his son's sleeping face. If Sasuke, as an adult, felt like this, then how would a child feel?

Sasuke entered the first room of second floor. He placed his son on his bed and sat down beside him. He took off his shoes and jacket slowly and started watching his son's sleeping face. He had to feel alone. He was so tiny in a huge environment where none of the adults realized their duty towards him.

Stroking the raven locks of his child, Sasuke realized that there were never child noises in this mansion. Tetsuya was only four years old. It was the age for him to play around till he exhausted himself. But, never. Never did Tetsuya play with the toys as his liking, never did he found himself a playmate, never did he have an opportunity to discover his surroundings.

Sasuke remembered a time that Tetsu was jumping down stairs and then climbing them again, and repeating it without stopping with the energy that every kid possessed. To be honest the happy noises he made had turned Sasuke's lips upwards. He liked it when his son was lively. But Uchiha Fugaku didn't like anything out of ordinary and he had snapped at Tetsuya really bad that day, making the child cry silently. Sasuke had felt strange at the display, his hands turning into fists, but he hadn't done anything. As a perfect Uchiha, Sasuke wouldn't stand up to his father.

But not anymore... As Sasuke dropped a kiss to the child's forehead, he swore to himself that he would be anything his son needed; he would do anything to make him happy from this day on.

Tucking Tetsu under the thick blanket, Sasuke left Tetsu's room and went to his own bedroom which was located at the end of the corridor of second floor.

With a heavy sigh, Sasuke dropped his clothes and took a quick shower. He wore a pair of black sweat pants and lied down on his bed. He checked the alarm clock beside his bed, 23:11.

He could hear the rain getting heavier and occasional lightnings were giving his room momentary whiteness. He closed his eyes and immediately started to think over the things that happened in the day time. In a short amount of time so many things had changed. And it was all thanks to Naruto.

In the times Sasuke had the opportunity to see Naruto, he had done things he would never have before. It was like, Naruto knew where the Uchiha power button was, and he was pressing on it whenever Sasuke was around, making him behave like a completely different person. And Sasuke was sure that Naruto had the same effect on his son too.

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