Chapter 5

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Naruto blinked dazedly as he wandered between the land of dreams and awareness. The light, warm weight on his chest and the fingers massaging his scalp weren't helping at all.

He opened his eyes and looked around. It was a warm afternoon in the middle of February and the orange rays of the sun were painting the spacious room with a soft glow.

Taking a deep breath Naruto gazed around the living room of his new apartment. Or rather theirs. After their confessions, Sasuke had had his way, and got a new place for Naruto finally. It was near to Tetsuya's kindergarten, with a view of a big park. And again, with Sasuke's persistence, Naruto had stopped working as a waiter and he had turned into Tetsuya's nanny.

He would go to university when needed. He would work at the kindergarten till afternoon, and after that, he would take Tetsuya with him back to home. They would spend their time together till Sasuke returned from work. Sasuke would stay till very night, or simply, he would stay over with Tetsuya who had a spare room of his own.

The apartment was big and comfortable. Although, Sasuke's first intention was to buy a condo, Naruto had drawn a line to stop him, so they had ended up with a four roomed flat. A bedroom for Sasuke and Naruto, a study for Sasuke, a room for Tetsuya and a living room.

Naruto had thought explaining the things to Tetsuya would be hard. Sasuke had said he would deal with it, and he had perfectly.

After they had moved in, Sasuke had taken Tetsuya to the kitchen. He had given Tetsu a cup of ice-cream and had started talking to his son in a way he could understand. Naruto hadn't been invited to the conversation between the father and son, so he had ended up eavesdropping. No, he wasn't embarrassed. Not at all.

"So, Tetsuya," Sasuke had started, sitting down beside his son.

"Hmm?" Tetsu had looked up, putting a spoonful of ice-cream in his mouth.

"Do you like Naruto?" Sasuke had asked without lingering.

"I love Nawu-chan!" Tetsuya had chirped.

Sasuke had smiled softly. "So, do you mind if daddy loves Naru-chan, too?"

Tetsuya had thought for a moment and then had shaken his head. "It's good!"

Smiling, Sasuke had asked another question, "Would you like it if I made Naru-chan your mommy?"

Tetsuya had frowned deeply, thinking for a while. "No!" He had said. "I'm gonna make Nawu-chan my bwide! He can be youw mommy!"

Sasuke's left eye had twitched. "I think it's more appropriate if I make Naruto my bride. You're too young to get married."

Tetsuya had frowned as he thought again. "I do'n know..."

"Think it like this," Sasuke had decided to try a different approach. "If I make Naruto my bride, and your mommy, he'll belong to us."

"Belon' to us?" Tetsuya had asked with bright eyes.

Sasuke had smirked. "Yes, just yours and mine and no one else's."

"Okay!" Tetsuya had nodded wildly with a huge smile.

When the two Uchihas left the room, they had found a red faced Naruto beside the door. They had the exact same smirk on their faces and it had made Naruto shudder.

To be honest, Naruto was surprised that Tetsuya had accepted him into his life so easily just like that. It had made Naruto both happy and upset. He was really happy that he could be with Tetsuya as more than just a teacher. He was happy that Tetsuya hadn't stopped loving him. And he was upset, because it seemed that Tetsuya had no idea what a mother actually was. To him mother was a distant figure that he saw once in a while. The knowledge had broken Naruto's heart, and he had decided to be whatever Tetsuya needed. And when the things calmed down, he would try to talk to Sakura, and tell her how her son needed her actually.

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