DrunkaVision|Agatha Harkness x Reader

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It was a special day for Wanda's family in Westview, as it was the twins' birthday. Her boys were growing up so fast, so she had a small gathering for them to celebrate.

She had invited Monica, You, Agatha, Dottie, and a few of the other neighbors round to their house that evening.

The adults had wine, the majority only one glass, but you and Agatha had other plans.

You only had a few glasses by the time everyone started leaving and the boys had fallen asleep on the patio couches, leaving the two of you with the couple.

Vision was tired too, so he accidentally switched back to his robot self involuntarily. Of course you and Agatha know about his true form since you are both playing your roles in this world, but you had to act surprised when he was revealed.

Wanda panicked, and quickly cast a spell on you, giving you the idea that Vision had just explained to the both of you who he really was as he showed himself.

Obviously you also had to pretend that the spell worked, so you started congratulating him for being open with you.

That was until the alcohol started to kick in half an hour later.

You giggled, "Vision, can you like, drink water?" You asked, smirking.
Agatha cackled next to you, smacking your thigh.

"Why is that so funny..? Wanda questioned you both, a look of concern on her face.

"I don't know!" Agatha laughed, as she continued to slap your thigh. "Y/n, I think- I think they're mad at us..." She cackled again, tearing up.

Vision was completely dumbfounded, "No, I can't drink..." he wasn't quite sure what was going on, his expression being one of concern. "Uhm, Wanda dear, are they drunk?" He asked his wife and she sighed, "Yes honey, they are."

Agatha cleared her throat, "Have you ever had alcohol?"
"Aggs! He just said he can't even drink drink!"

You both started cackling again, and Wanda bit her tongue, before she finally spoke up.
"I think it's time for the both of you to shut up and go home."

Still laughing at the two of them, Agatha flipped them off as she grabbed your arm and started dragging you along with her back to your shared house.

Wanda and Vision were silent, the Scarlet Witch pinching the bridge of her nose while the other was just lost in thought.
"Is that how you'll behave soon if you continue drinking?" He looked over to her.
She smirked, "Vision, they were absolutely pissed, they probably had something to drink beforehand," She scoffed. "I don't think I'll be getting to that level tonight." 

Meanwhile, you and Agatha were tumbling down the street, laughing for no reason as you could barely even see. You struggling to unlock the door made the witch laugh even harder, causing her to literally fall over, which of course, resulted in you going into another fit.

When you woke up in the morning, you found yourselves sleeping in the bathtub together. God knows how that happened, but you wouldn't trade it for the world.

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