Disastrous Soon to Be Wives|Agatha Harkness x Fem!Reader

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"I'll think about it."

You entered the room, to see your fiance hanging up the phone. You can't help but notice the distressed look on her face.

"Aggs, what's wrong?" You sat down next to her.

Agatha looked deep in thought, it took her a few moments to reply, but when she did, your eyes widened.
"My mother... She- she wants to see me..."

Her mother had gotten arrested a couple of months ago for child abuse and attempted murder. After the police found out about how she tried to kill her daughter, she was put in handcuffs.

Agatha on the other hand, was not arrested, since it was very obvious she had only attacked her mother and the rest of her coven in self defense.

You bit your lip, "Don't feel pressured to go, she doesn't deserve to see you." You said with slight anger in your voice.

The witch stayed silent for a moment, before she looked at you. "I want to go, but... Only if I had a companion to go with..." She looked at you knowingly, and you chuckled.

"If that's what you want then of course I'll come with you." You gave her a quick kiss. "When are you planning on going?"

She scoffed, "Visitation is today, so I'm quite annoyed that they called me now to let me know and not a few days prior... But that's just the stupid system we live with." She sighed, with a tongue in cheek expression.

You blinked in surprise, "I guess we should get ready to go down then." You got up from where you were sitting, and she soon followed.

Before you knew it, the car ride was over and you were standing at the entrance of the prison Evanora was kept in.

You squeezed Agatha's hand, "Are you sure you want this?"
She nodded in response, and clutched your hand as you approached the woman in the reception area.

"I can't believe we have to wait half an hour to see her of all people." Your soon to be wife scoffed, crossing her arms as she slumped down in an old waiting room chair.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance as you put your hand on her shoulder.
"We can still turn back," You reassured, and she quickly shook her head.

"I must face her. After all, the only way forward, is back." She sat upright in her chair, now looking determined.

After what felt like three hours, you finally heard Agatha's name being called. You thanked the reception, before entering this moldy looking visitation room.

Agatha grimaced at the state of it, as you both awkwardly sat down. Not even minutes later, you saw Evanora enter the opposite room.

Her eyes showed disgust as she saw your arm around her daughter's waist. "Don't tell me your one of those faggots, Agatha." She snarled.

Agatha scoffed, "That's the first thing you fucking say to me?" She rolled her eyes. "And don't worry, she's not my girlfriend."

The older woman sighed, "At least you've done one thing right in your life." She spoke, meanwhile you gave Agatha a weird look. Before you asked, the witch spoke up again.

"She's my fiance."

You smirked, and your smile widened as you saw the pissed off look on Evanora's face.

"You are an absolute disgrace. Not only did you betray me and the rest of the coven, but you decided to turn to this disgusting lifestyle." She growled, "Plus she's clearly half your age."

You looked at her smugly, "I prefer older women."

Agatha tried not to laugh as she stared back at her mother. "Was there even a reason you called me here? Or are you just wasting my time? The time I could be using to do more... Important things..." She looked over to you, smirking.

You got the ridiculous idea to pull Agatha into a kiss, and she started to make out with you.

Evanora gasped in disgust, "How dare you! This is appalling! I shouldn't have given you another chance." Gritting her teeth, she got up and stormed out of the room, a security guard leading her out.

You turned to the older nest to you, and you both immediately started laughing as soon as she left.

"I wanted to add that she wasn't invited to our wedding, but the bitch didn't give me a chance..." She chuckled.

You bit your lip, "I can't believe we did this..." You chuckled a little. "I think this deserves a takeout tonight. What do you fancy?"

She grinned at you, "Chinese."
"I thought so." You responded.

Safe to say Evanora was mortified when Agatha had demanded the security at the prison to show her a video you took for her, which was the two of you making out in your wedding clothes.

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