Icing | Agatha Harkness x Reader

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Ever since you and Agatha started portraying your roles in Westview, it gave you and your wife a chance to take up new hobbies and activities, since you had to pretend to be held captive in the fantasy as well.

Agatha was next door, and Wanda was baking some sort of Sokovian pastry for the twins.

Being a 300 year old witch, Agatha has a lot of experience in almost everything, of course. One of them being baking, since she has generally done a lot of that in her life. She hasn't baked in years, and she was inspired by the redhead.

So that's why you found her in the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets as you came home from your walk.

You approached her, looking around at all the open cabinets. "So, what's up with all this?" You chuckled.

"It's all Wanda's fault. I want to bake again, I haven't done it in years!" She exclaimed, "We need to go shopping." She added.

You raised an eyebrow at her "Why not just... Use your magic?"

She simply glared at you, shaking her head. "I want the full experience." She grinned, and grabbed your arm as you walked to the car.

You looked at her in amusement, not protesting whatsoever as you entered the passengers seat.

Not even a minute on the road, and she was singing "Sweet Child of Mine" at the top of her lungs as it blasted on the radio. You do regret your life decisions sometimes, but you wouldn't change it for the world.

Westview's local grocery store only has specific things in stock at certain times. Thankfully, since you had decided to go at the time you did, there were baking products.

It was frustrating when Agatha wanted to make a meal, but Wanda hadn't stocked the shop with the ingredients she needed, just because her so called best friend didn't currently need them.

Your luck was fine, so that's when you found yourselves picking up a lot of supplies, a bit too much, just in case it took a while for the next stock.

Your wife had picked up some bags of flour, sugar, baking powder, some cake mixes, and pretty much anything that was baking related.

"Your total comes to 376 dollars."

Agatha looked at the cashier for a moment, "Sure..." She smirked.

Let's just say you only paid 10 dollars, after she used her powers to manipulate the woman behind the cash register.

As you arrived home, the witch placed the five shopping bags, which you weren't allowed to carry, onto the table, and grinned.

"This is perfect!" She exclaimed.
You kissed her on the cheek, and helped her unpack everything.

She sighed after everything was put in its place, before thinking for a moment.
"Do you like cupcakes and cookies?" She suddenly asked.

You smirked, "Of course."

She beamed, and used her powers to bring over the ingredients, along with some cooking essentials.
"Right, we're making strawberry and chocolate cupcakes with cookie toppings and sprinkles, as well as some red velvet cookies, and you're going to help me." She demanded, grinning.

You blushed slightly, "I actually have no idea how to bake..." You admitted, shrugging.

Agatha's smile grew, and took you by the hand over to the counter next to her. "There's a first time for everything!"

The purple witch pulled out a baking tray, inspecting it slightly before placing it on the counter. You handed her the dough, which the two of you had made together, attempting to make various shapes.

You shaped out a cat for a cookie, you think, it could've been a cow, or even a lizard. You weren't quite sure about the answer. Agatha on the other hand, had somehow managed to perfectly sculpt a rose.

Agatha then turned to you, grinning, "Now we get to make the icing!" You smiled back at her, allowing her to guide you.

She handed you a bag of flour, and you carefully took it, and attempting to pour it into the bowl Agatha had set out in front of you.

Most of what you were supposed to put in had fallen out or ended up on you and Agatha's face.

"Oops..." You looked at Agatha, who was completely covered in flour.

Half an hour later, after adding the toppings and finishing up, you finally put the cupcakes into the oven, as Agatha took off her messy apron and smirked. "Most of this mess is your fault," She chuckled, and you rolled your eyes while smiling.

"You know I'm crap at baking!" You whined, and she laughed again, "I know, I know. But I'm so happy that you tried for me anyway!" She beamed at you, and you kissed her cheek as you smirked.

When you heard the alarm of the oven going off, you quickly turned it off, taking the tray out and placing it on the counter top to cool down. "They look great!" You exclaimed, and your wife nodded in agreement. "I'm quite surprised that the shapes turned out so good." She replied.

You both took a cupcake, admiring the mini cookies and sprinkles that you had added, and took a bite. You weren't sure what to expect, but they tasted just as good as they looked, and the same went with the cookies.

Agatha then smirked, "Next time, we're making a cake!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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