5. Sleepy As Hell...

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I need to drink tea,
and lose myself
in cyberspace
far away from here.
I want to shake off complacency
like ticks
and fleas
off of my fur.
The nightmares
fit perfectly fine
in between
the holes of the
dream catcher
that's supposed
to keep me safe.
But architectural studies
show that the
intricate castles
of playing cards
can send me crumbling
like tumbleweeds
at the very sign
of climate change.
I burn
in the acid rain,
and my skin rots
like sour bread
that long tailed
mice feed on.
I cower in fear
of being a girl
who has lost everything,
or maybe
it was never
in my possession.
it's time to sleep peacefully
knowing that I am gone.
My name will not
echo through any street.

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