11. Terminator: Genysis & Bus Rides Home

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I will never
forget the warmth.
He was the sun,
wrapped in a vessel
of skin,
organs and tissue.

stretched out wide
for me.
Held the opposite
ends of my waistline
for me.
I blossomed at the touch.

To find safety,
not in your own home,
not in school,
your life,
or ever your own mind,
but to find it in arms,
in the embrace
of a living breathing being
as beautiful as he,
is perplexing to understand
at the most confusing degree.

But I can't calculate
in terms of pi
what he feels inside.
This is fire,
and we both
in the strangest or perhaps
unorthodox way
add fuel
to make it burn
even brighter.

I'll never forget
the warmth.
The softness of the
between our lips.
I'll never forget
the way things
that couldn't be said
were expressed.
We understood
each other.
We deciphered
the smoke signals

Yet I
forever wonder,
Why did his heart
erupt with life
for me?
And why did mine
for sinister reasons

I will never forget
His warmth.
For I am simply too cruel,
Too cold.

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