Love + Anxiety

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Babe, don't forget me like all the others
Babe, I know you're nothing like all the others
But that doesn't stop the monsters in my head from trying to convince me that you are
These monsters are builders, baby
They make Makalus out of molehills
And Annapurnas out of anthills
They're also conspiracy theorists, you know
Overthinking and analyzing everything,
Searching to find some sort of cruelty or sinister motive hiding between the lines

Please remember these monsters aren't me, babe
I fight them hard
Every day we wage war
Until little pinpricks litter their bodies because they are the darkness, and I am trying to let in some light
You slay these demons babe, though you know it not
Because when you hold me in your arms, you armor me in diamond
And when you talk to me, it drowns the shadows out in gleaming bands of light reflecting off of the gold in your eyes

I'm an all-or-nothing kind of girl, babe
If I fall in love with you, I'm not going to stop falling until I hit Challenger Deep
Babe, not even the kola superdeep has got anything on me
Never let me stop falling
Because if you let me hit the bottom, I'm gonna take that hit hard
Strong Nuclear doesn't understand how hard I go
Every bone in my body will shatter on impact into a trillion tiny splinters
Similar to dropping a vase on a concrete floor

Tell me you love me, every day
So there isn't a doubt in my mind that it's no longer true
And you'll have my promise that I'll say the same to you

Please do these things for me, babe
Because a while back, someone didn't
My heart has been left on a park bench one too many times,
Left to shiver is the downpour and blister in the sun,
I used the last of my scotch tape three months ago, babe
So in the unlikely chance that you trip while cradling my glass heart,
Remember that if you drop it, it's broken five times already and it's nearly impossible to find shards that small
But babe, remember, it can't hurt to try, because four hands and four eyes are better than none.

I once heard you call yourself ugly, and I couldn't believe what my ears had just caught
I also heard your friends say it, and you laugh along without a second thought
Let me tell you something about beauty, babe
It is something that's skin deep
But all they see is the skin, babe
But you see so much more in everything, babe, and I can see it every time you open your eyes
Just as I see so much more in you
And I want to know it all, babe
I want to write it all down in a book so grand that Marcel Proust will turn green with envy

There's comfort in fear, babe
Fear is what keeps us safe
So that we don't go jumping off the Trango Towers
Or messing around with nuclear powers
And I want to be scared, I do
Because I would want nothing more than to never feel pain or sadness again
But at the same time, I'm gonna take the 1 and 3,000 chance of being struck by lightning
Just to dance in the rain

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