Dear Friends

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Dear Friends

When you hurt,

I'll jump.

When someone's mean to you,

I'll punch.

If you're feeling scorned,

I'll stand beside you.

If you're feeling alone,

You can hold my hand, too.

Did someone threaten you?

I'll shake them.

Did someone touch you?

I'd break them.

Please, if you need someone,

Just yell.

I'm gonna find them,

And I'll give them hell.

But when the guns turn on me.

I'm begging you, don't flee.

Don't just sit there looking through it all like glass,

Don't ignore me as you walk back to class

If I look worried,

Hug me

If I won't tell you,

Bug me

Just talk to me, ask if I'm okay

Don't let me come home crying today.

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