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fatima wilson

"Yes T, I moved down here a month after you did." He admitted, "So you're stalking me basically?" She questioned.

"No, I just want to see my son T. You kept him away for a year. I missed his birthday, his first missing teeth, his first day of school. All of it."

"I just want to be there for him, and for you if you ever need me." He expressed to her. She let out a sharp breath.

"There will be boundaries that need to be set, I want you to be in his life Zac truly." She stated wanting him to get her point.

He nodded although she couldn't see him, "Whatever you want, I'm on your time T." She tight lipped smiled at the statement.

"Okay so tomorrow meet me at the pizza place in Time Square at 12pm , and we'll discuss co-parenting." She said to him.

"Okay thank you," he said goodbye before she hung up.

Time Square : 12pm

Fatima joined Zac at the table he had been waiting at for 30 minutes. "I thought you set me up."

Fatima shook her head taking her seat infront of him. "Why're you here Zac?" Fatima asked with a hint of anger laced in her voice.

"For my son Fatima." He expressed, she shook her head. "Okay." She responded. "How about this."

"You seen him weekends after school and bring him back Sunday night." Zac now shook his head.

"No I'm not no weekend dad, I never was." He argued with her, "You barely was a dad." Fatima argued back causing a silence.

Zac sat there hurt, anger that she took everything he ever did for there son and just tarnished it.

Yea he had his days where he fucked up but he was an awesome dad to Jr. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"You did and that's fine because I'm here to change that. I'm not tryna be no weekend dad like I said." He spoke.

"Well we can do weeks, drop offs on sundays." She requested and he went along with it. "Okay so I'll put your name on his school list."

"What school does he go to? What's his teaches name? Does he wear uniform?" He bombarded her with questions.

"He goes to Collegiate Prep, his teaches name is Miss Honey. She's a 29 year old black woman, he does wear uniform."

"He has to be there at 7:30am every morning and make sure he always has 2 snacks packed not included in his lunch."

"Please if you're going to have a girl around him let me meet her." Fatima would hate to have to shut shit down about her son.

She never liked that having extras around him if they aren't going to last even when they weee together.

Zac's friends and her friends weren't able to claim him as their nephew unless they both knew the person personally and allowed it.

"I won't." He spoke, "what time do I have to pick him up?" . "4:30pm he does after school but 2:30pm on Tuesday cs he doesn't like it then."

The two discussed Jr for hours and decided since it was Wednesday they'd start by telling Jr he'll be living with both mommy and daddy separately tomorrow.

Zac would get him that following Sunday night,"You seeing someone?" Zac asked Fatima as she sipped her drink.

"Uh is that your business?" She rolled her eyes, "Yea, you my baby momma." He spoke with a smirk.

"Boy please, don't you have a fiancé waiting for you in Philly?" Zac smacked his teeth dropping his smirk.

"No, only person waiting on me is my son."
He made sure to let that be known."if you say so."

Fatima bit into her slice of pizza before going to grab one Zac's fries. He swatted her hand away.
"Zaccccc." She whined.

"Fatima you have your own!" He pointed, she pushed them away. "Yours are better!" She informed him.

"Hmph, hm!" He handed it to her and she giggled with a smile like a school girl who was on a date with their boyfriend.

They caught up until it was time to get Jr they decided to get him together and Jr was so
excited to see them together.

"Hi Ms.Wilson, here's his test results and homework." Fatima grabbed it, As Jr grabbed his book bag.

He ran to them and hugged both their legs. "DADDY! I missed you!" He lifted his arms so Zac could lift him.

"I missed you more bud!" Zac kissed his cheeks and forehead causing Jr to giggle and push him

Zac and Fatima were happy that Zachary was still in his happy cuddly boy phase and not that play tough little boy phase.

He loved kisses and cuddles and teddy bears. Always watching paw patrol and pj masks and all of that.

"What about mommy?" Fatima pouted, Jr leaned from Zac's shoulder to kiss his moms cheek.

"I miss mommy too!" Jr spoke excitedly, "This is adorable to see Ms Wilson, I think it's great for Zachary to see stable a relationship."

"He talks about you a lot!" Miss honey spoke looking to Zac, "It was nice seeing you miss honey and thanks."

Zac and Fatima left the school building, Zac hugged Jr tightly. "I'll see you this weekend on Sunday all the way til next week!"

"Promise?" Jr rubbed his itchy eyes as he cried, "I promise buddy!"Zac hugged him again. "I love you daddy!"

"I love you more son." The two ended their reunion finally, Fatima had to hurry and wipe her tears.

The two interacting made her so emotional, it felt like old times when Zac would go on business trips.

Zac got in his car and waited for Fatima to strap Zachary jr in, hopped in herself and pulled off.

They made it home around the same time, she texted him a photo of Jr sleeping after he ate dinner.

Zac responded with 'Tell my son I love him
and give him a big hug and kiss for me. ❤️'

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