LOO LOO LAND (part 1)

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me: ok, before i show all of you, and our special guests from the other sector of the multiverse, i just want to give you a heads up on what you'll see.

Ochako: what is it?

she asked

me: that the opening of this showing is gonna make your hearts warm up in happiness, even Jaune Aizawa.

i said as i started the ''loo loo land'' viewing

(at the goetia palace)

young octavia: mommy! daddy!!

she called out, making stolisa wake up

stolisa: (tired) via's calling us, solar.

she said sleepily

solar: (tired) you get up.

he said as stolisa got up and sighed, then put on her robe and went to her daughter's room

(octavia's room)

stolisa: via, what trouble's you, my owlette?

she asked worryingly as octavia went out of the covers

octavia: mommy! mommy!!

as the U.A. female students see octavia, they were squealing in happiness at seeing stolisa's daughter looking very adorable with those big eyes

momo & ochako: SO CUTE!!!!

they both squealed

arc sisters: WE KNOW, RIGHT!!!

they asked while squealing as well

octavia: i had a dream! a really, bad dream!

she said as stolisa picked her up

stolisa: (yawns) a nightmare?

octavia: i was looking all over the pallace, and...i couldn't find you anywhere.

octavia: you weren't there!!

she cried as she hugged her mom

charlotte arc: aww.

She said adorably as she clasped her hands togethor

stolisa: there there 'via it's ok. you're ok. when you're scared and you don't know where i am, you must remember that no matter what happens to me, i will never be far away from my special little starfire.

she said as she started singing her lullaby to octavia titled ''you will be okay''

after stolisa finished her lullaby and the audience sees how adorable octavia is sleeping, their hearts were warmed and smiled happily, even the female UA students and staff

ochako: aww, that lullaby was sweet.

Jaune Aizawa: i know that stolisa is a counterpart of phyrra in this sector of the multiverse, but wow, she sounds like a good mother in this universe.

mineta: i just hope that octavia will look hot in the future.

he said, making jaune aizawa and the UA students & staff deadpan at him while the universe 1 characters look at him with ''WTF'' faces and then look at me

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