𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 3: 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙩

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Y/n's POV:

It was now Saturday, as I raised my head up from the bed, and rubbed my eyes in exhaustion. I grabbed my phone off of the nightstand, and took a look at the time and my most recent notifications.

After a couple of minutes of scrolling on my phone, I had began to receive an incoming FaceTime call from Jenna. After looking at her contact, I rolled my eyes before answering.


"Are you up yet?" Jenna asked, as I stood up from the edge of my bed and walked my way across my room and to my closet.

The camera wasn't pointed at Jenna, instead it was pointed up at the ceiling as she spoke.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm up. I'm 'bout to take a shower and stuff." I groaned out, my voice was still grainy from just waking up as I responded.

"Good. I'll text you my address. The concert starts at eight." Jenna informed me, as I tossed my phone on my bed while shuffling through my hanged clothes.

"Whatever, I'll be there to pick you up in a few hours." I responded in an annoyed tone, as I began to pick out the outfit that I was going to wear for the day.

"Be sure to wear something ni-"

Before Jenna could finish her demand, I hung up on her, tossing my phone back on the bed as I continued to get ready for the day.

After I got out the shower and got dressed, I grabbed my phone, and decided to call Bea, since I didn't get the chance to apologize for ghosting her yesterday.

As I was calling her, I held the phone directly on my face, as my h/c hair was still slightly damp from the shower.

After a moment or two, Bea finally answered.

"Hey, babe..." I hesitantly greeted her, only to be met with silence on the other side.

I sighed heavily as I brushed my fingers through my wet h/c hair, looking at my phone screen.

"Look, I know that... You're mad at me, and-"

"What the fuck, Y/n? You said that we were going to hang out after basketball practice, I messaged you like a hundred times... I told my parents and everything. And then you fucking ghost me? What were you even doing?" Bea began to rant, as I sat there, trying to come up with any sort of reasonable excuse.

"...My dad needed help with some yard work after I got out of practice. I-I meant to text and tell you, but-"

"I don't wanna hear it. I know you're lying. I saw you and Jenna talking in the hallway yesterday after I had left..." Bea cut me off, as I fell silent. My heart dropped to my stomach as I began to feel anxious.

"Bea, it wasn't like that, I promise you. You know that I don't like her..." I tried to convince her, as my face turned into a frown.

"...Lee told me that you're going to a concert with her today."

After hearing her say that, I paused. I slowly began to fill up with anger, betrayal, and sorrow.

"Bea, look, I promise you, i-it's really not like that..." I spoke up, my eyebrows frowning as I kept my eyes glued on my screen.

"Whatever, Y/n. I'm done with you. Fuck you, and fuck her. We're done."


Before I could respond, she hung up on me, leaving me to reflect on my current situation. I sat back down on the edge of my bed and facepalmed, sighing heavily as I tried to shake the feeling of uncertainty off.

Downfall | Jenna Ortega x Male Reader (Enemies to Lovers)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum