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Y/N's p.o.v.

I was scared... scared of what I was thinking... so I didn't interfere with the fight, I just stayed hidden and watched but that wasn't the best idea... I saw something I should have never seen... All Might... he was shrinking and turned into some fragile looking man... I was shocked at that but the thing that shocked me more was that Deku knew about it... and he even helped All Might hide it... I don't know if I should talk about it with them but I'm really curious about it... at least I know I'll never tall Endeavour about it. 

The next day at school I walked up to Deku with a serious face and took him to somewhere private.

"I saw it... All Might... what's wrong with him?" I asked and just watched as his face turns from his normal smile into a shocked look.

"H-How did you know?!" He asked me in a panicked tone.

"I told you I saw it, after the USJ attack he was standing with you in the big cloud of smoke... and I was in a place where I could see everything... but I must admit that your scared face was funny." I tell him as he just stands there, frozen in place.

"F-Funny?" He asked me still in shock.

"Yes, funny... but that's not important now, tell me what's wrong with him." I said as I started getting a little annoyed. Just when he was about to say something the bell rang and we needed to go back to class... he got lucky this time.

For the next few days I didn't leave Deku alone and every time I got closer he found some kind of excuse and left. It was getting really annoying and Bakugo noticed it... he told me that Deku is definitely hiding something... so we exchanged informations and started working together to find out what he's hiding. Bakugo was probably one of the only people I actually spoke to and surprise surprise we actually got along pretty well. He was always angry or talking about 'oh how great he is' but it didn't bother me, aside from that he was actually a really interesting person and we even started training together. I must say that he never won against me, not even once and I'm proud of myself for that. Every time he looses he makes this funny angry face and wants to fight again and again until we both can't stand. He kinda reminds me of Touya... but Touya was stronger than me...

After a while me and Bakugo got irritated and since Deku was avoiding us we decided to go directly to All Might. After class we both went to his office and I knocked on his door. After a few seconds we heard a loud 'come in' and went inside. There we saw All Might sitting with Deku on one of the couches.

"I knew you would be here!" I yelled a little as I pointed at Deku.

"We're not here for that dumbass!" I heard Bakugo yell as he hit me on the head lightly... yeah... that was the trigger and we started arguing. After a while All Might cleared his throat and looked at us. We both stopped and Bakugo started talking... I can't say he was the most respectful and nice person but at least he got to the point faster than I would. After drowning All Might in our questions we got an actual explanation... and I didn't expect that... really...

"So what you're telling me now is that he got his quirk from you? And you also were quirkless before your master gave you a quirk?" I asked.

"That's right young Y/N!" All Might said with thumbs up.

"Then what about that shrinking and dumb looking form of you?" Bakugo asked.

"I... I have no idea what you're talking about..." All Might said while looking to the side and avoiding our stares.

"LIAR!" Both me and Bakugo yelled.

"Okay okay... I'll tell you..." All Might said and started explaining it to us.

After he was done I just sat there trying to process the information I just received... he has a hole in his stomach from some old fight and he's losing his quirk because he gave it to Deku?! I need a break... that's... I don't even know how I should call it...

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