the attack on Sidney Prescott

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      Aurora's head popped up from the desk, Dewey's little sister named Tatum walked in and walked towards her. She stood, pulling out her chair for Sid to sit down. Dewey walked in with Sheriff Burke, talking about the situation. Dewey mentioned a boy named 'Billy Loomis', who happened to be Sid's dearest boyfriend. She looked at Tatum, who comforted the young Sid.

"If you need anything, Call out my name Sid."

      Sidney nodded slowly, knowing this was the older sister that Casey always mentioned. Unfortunately, they met once again under unique circumstances.  One of the officers brought a blanket and gave it to Sidney, Tatum helping cover Sid's shoulders. The younger blonde walked over to Aurora, gently tapping her shoulder. Aurora looked down at Tatum, a soft smile on her lips.

"Thanks, 'Rora."

      the woman nodded, smiling at Tatum. Dewey looked at the two women, a shocked expression laced his eyes when he landed on Tatum. He walked closer to them after he was finished talking with the Sheriff, his arms crossing.

"Tatum. What are you doing here? This is an official crime scene!"

     Tatum's eyes rolled, Aurora covering her mouth-trying not to laugh. He shot a glance at the officer, causing a soft chuckle to erupt from her lips.

"Her father is out of town, I was supposed to be picking her up. Plus, Mom wanted to see Aurora again."

    Aurora tilted her head at dewey, and Dewey looked directly at her. At that point, they were communicating through the means of eye contact--Tatum looked at them confused, alongside a confused Sidney. 

"Are you two going to speak? That whole eye contact telepathy thing is odd to look at."

    Dewey shook his head and laughed, a soft grin appeared on Aurora's lips. 

"Aurora's staying at the house tonight."

    Aurora, Tatum, and Sidney all nodded in unison, a rarity to see among the girls. The eldest woman eyed dewey, dropping it very quickly when his eyes rose to try and meet hers.

"Deputy Riley, Officer Becker."

     The Sheriff called the two over, Aurora holding Tatum's shoulder very quickly before Dewey dragged her hand along to talk to the sheriff.

"The Ghost mask is sold at Krogers and Walmart."

      Dewey spoke first, nodding to Aurora.

"Neither store has purchase records. The investigative department is going through cellular bills, but it'll be morning before anything happens."

      Aurora spoke clearly, Burke nodding at the woman.

"Dewey. Can we go? "

      Her eyes narrowed at the voice, only relaxing when Tatum asked the question. On the other hand, Dewey sighed and rolled his eyes. At first, he ignored his little sister but got a nudge from Aurora. It was time to go, and all of them were tired already. 

"Take the back way out to avoid the circus."

      Aurora nodded, and Dewey led all of them outside. the back area was quiet compared to the front of the building-the two adults latching onto each other for a safety measure. both aurora and dewey knew where the other's gun was at all times, so they could protect Sidney and Tatum. The adults went to get the car first, GALE WEATHERS approached Sidney and Tatum-Aurora not wanting to deal with the reporter at the moment. The car unlocked, and Dewey opened the door for her before hopping in on the other side and started to drive to get the younger girls home.

 The car unlocked, and Dewey opened the door for her before hopping in on the other side and started to drive to get the younger girls home

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